TAGQ (That's A Good Question)

Lactose Tolerance and Surprise Guest

Ben Johnston & Scott Johnston Episode 4

How lactose intolerent are you?  That leads to some discussion, then our hosts ruminate about many things waiting for the surprise guest.

From podium.page:

Dive into an episode brimming with laughter, reflection, and a touch of nostalgia as we explore the complex relationship between food, family, and identity. "Lactose Tolerance and Surprise Guest" offers a heartfelt blend of personal anecdotes and engaging conversations. Our hosts take us on a trip down memory lane, recounting childhood eating habits, their love-hate relationship with dairy, and the thrill of family ski races. Amidst the stories, they ponder over the evolving understanding of lactose intolerance, share experiences with In-N-Out burgers, and delve into the sense of community fostered by events like the Berkebeiner ski race. 

Not shying away from the present, the episode humorously delves into the trials of podcasting on a free Zoom account and the potential for AI to polish our conversational cadence. From chuckling over a Vegas trip with a Grateful Dead fan to a deeper discussion on the diversity of LGBTQ+ identifiers, the hosts navigate a variety of topics with ease. In closing, they touch on the possibility of the guest becoming a publicist, playfully imagining mingling with podcasting greats. Tune in to an episode that promises to be as diverse and satisfying as the eclectic mix of topics it covers, with laughter and quirky tales that resonate with anyone looking to explore the mosaic of their own identity.

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0:00:29 - Ben
Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun. 

0:00:39 - Scott
Question with your host, ben and the other host, scott Ben's dad, ben's dad, and it's also the shorter name, the more unique shorter name Right, right, right, right, right, right right right, so that we don't just get piled. Piled, the is what is all the podcasts that are called. That's a good question. Don't get piled on top of us. T-a-g-q. T-a-g-q, we are tag q, that's yeah I'm not sure. 

0:01:02 - Ben
I'm not sure it's a word like I don't know if you pronounce it like tag queue, I do T-A-G-Q. Take the time, save the letter, but the URL is, which doesn't matter if anyone's listening to this, because they already found the podcast. Is thatisagoodquestioncom? No, that, okay, quite, that is a good question. Dot. 

0:01:31 - Scott
Buzzsproutcom that is a good question. Yeah, okay, okay. Well, that's complicated, but let's roll with it. That sounds okay, any thoughts on a question today? Or is that supposed to always be me? 

0:01:59 - Ben
No, no, the idea was we'd talk for a while and the interesting question would emerge from the first segment. Yeah, cool For the first whatever. 

0:02:13 - Scott
How lactose intolerant are you? 

0:02:19 - Ben
I don't think I am. 

0:02:22 - Scott
You still slurp down milk, do you drink? 

0:02:26 - Ben
do you? 

0:02:26 - Scott
drink. Do you drink milk? 

0:02:32 - Ben
uh, no, I mean not, as when I was a kid I did, and my mother my mother's old anymore. Yeah, I, I thought how can anybody not drink milk? Because we all had to drink, you know, like two glasses a day, one for breakfast, one for dinner, and she was kind of the one encouraging. 

0:02:58 - Scott
Dairy was once an important food group. It's true. 

0:03:01 - Ben
Yeah, I think she said it was raw milk as a kid that turned her off to. 

0:03:08 - Scott
um, yeah, turned her off to milk she had growing up in a dairy farm yeah, when the uh, you can see all the other fluids from the cow mixed in there with your milk. 

0:03:23 - Ben
Yeah, are you lactose intolerant? What's how intolerant are you? 

0:03:28 - Scott
yeah, exactly, I think you know it's 2023 now and I think people are starting to realize that, uh, lactose intolerance is definitely a spectrum. How lactose intolerant, maybe that maybe people have always known that, maybe that's just me that's just learning that, but how lactose intolerant? I'm mildly, mildly lactose intolerant. Uh, you know, a cube of cheddar cheese won't won't really mess me up, but it'll. I'll sense a little bit of some twisting into some, uh, a little bit of pain in my tummy I've got a good question coming up good and a glass of milk will be pretty bad. 

It won't, won't be horrible, won't be indigestible for me, but uh, yeah, I went for a went for a walk last weekend and I remember drinking some regular milk before the walk because it was all we had in the fridge and I needed a quick dose of protein. So I drank a glass of milk and it, yeah, felt a little bit what's the word it's not felt a little prickly in my tummy, let's put it that way. 

Yeah, okay but, but even I love dairy, though love my yogurt yeah, um, and you were always a I mean the. 

0:05:03 - Ben
If there was only one last thing in the world you would eat, as a child it was macaroni and cheese. That's true, that's true, that is, but but it probably wasn't. Even the real stuff wasn't, wasn't? 

0:05:15 - Scott
just that I don't know. I don't know if the how much lactose the uh powdered cheese contains in it yeah, I don't know, yeah, but then they. 

0:05:25 - Ben
Then there's the butter and the milk that you also add when you mix up your craft yeah, so there's, there goes, it's just dairy and a little pasta yeah, exactly, yeah, yep, yep yeah, I was thinking there was a good question to ask around that subject of like how it took you know how we were trying to groom you to be a carnivore, uh, and then succeeded with, like I think, bratwursts, and then succeeded with like I think, bratwursts right here, right? 

0:06:14 - Scott
no, yeah, right at that table. No, it was that table at this table. But it pretty sure, yeah, really. But what was the new new cabin already here? I think it was the new cabin and I remember I had to smother it in barbecue sauce because I was really into chicken nuggets and barbecue sauce. So I just imagine if I smothered it, so we weren't trying to. 

0:06:33 - Ben
You were already a carnivore. It's just, we're arguing like what? 

0:06:37 - Scott
animal are you? 

0:06:37 - Ben
going to want to eat. 

0:06:39 - Scott
Right, and I remember the first hamburger I ate was In-N-Out. I think it was in Mountain View. Wow, back at home, wow, because, yeah, we always, people always talked about In-N-Out, especially you started right at the top. 

0:07:01 - Ben
Huh, you had an In-N-Out before you had a home-cooked burger but yeah, yep, yeah, I remember the day. 

0:07:12 - Scott
Peter and uh peter, you're one of your other sons uh and colin and reese are neighbors. I don't know how old I was, I might have been like 10 or something. Yeah, that sounds about right. When I started eating more things, yeah, and they were. They kept begging you to take them to in and out and you're just like, I'm not driving half an hour, so the three of you can eat a burger, like no, like ridiculous. And then I was kind of at this point where I was starting to branch out a little bit and I also really wanted to be like cool in their eyes. 

The reason, and so I said to you like dad, if you take us all to in and out, I'll eat a burger, and then you're like oh, okay, oh this is gonna get ben to eat a hamburger. Yeah, okay, now we're talking, okay, well, what time is it? What do we gotta do? 

hmm, does this work out for lunch maybe, maybe an early dinner. What would your mom think? Okay, well, yeah, we can do this. Let's figure this out. Call on Reese, go talk to your parents. You were on it. You made sure that the drive to Mountain View happened so that we could all eat a burger, and I remember ordering a burger, no cheese, just a regular hamburger. 

I still remember the first bite and then looking at the burger and feeling like, wow, I'm into this. And as I was looking at the burger, at this sandwich that I had just bitten into, I was like, whoa, this is about what I expected. Oh, this is about what I expected. And it was just so much more mild and pleasant than I could have possibly imagined. It was a dry burger. I don't think I had any kind of sauce on it, I think it was just lettuce. 

0:09:21 - Ben
I can believe that was your first In-N-Out, but I have a hard time to believe that was your first in and out, but I have a hard time to believe that was your first burger. 

0:09:28 - Scott
But well, that's, that's the way it is in my memory. It might not be. I can't prove it wrong I mean, I might have tried it a long, long time ago, but I remember whenever we made burgers, I was always like no, no, I feel like you always had to like I just ate either the broccoli, or you also had to make mac and cheese, or the dinosaur chicken nuggets yeah, exactly, and whenever I would go to mcdonald's or we'd go to a burger joint, I would always order the chicken strips. 

0:10:03 - Ben
I mean chicken nuggets okay, french yeah, I do remember a phase like that, yeah, yeah, yeah, so we have a guest today very busy. 

0:10:28 - Scott
Should you come into us from los angeles, california? 

0:10:32 - Ben
oh good yeah, but uh, the oldest son, peter oh, you're just gonna say his name like that. 

0:10:40 - Scott
God, no expense. 

0:10:44 - Ben
What do you? What do you mean? What should I do different? 

0:10:48 - Scott
I don't know, don't people like I kind of like read off of someone's curriculum by tay or whatever. Is that how you pronounce that? 

0:10:58 - Ben
I mean I kind of like whatever deflated the whole thing, that's a good point. 

0:11:04 - Scott
Yeah, you know it's it's it's about, yeah, people on their toes, okay, otherwise. But I, you know, I'm just sorry, I don't know, I don't know keep, keep on with the pre-roll okay, yeah, los angeles, yeah, and he's. He's out there on a songwriting retreat right now, also mixed up with helping his father deal with a grandpa's estate. So it's a joint trip both songwriting and estate planning. Very busy man, very busy man. 

0:11:56 - Ben
Estate sorting. 

0:11:59 - Scott
Got to sort the estate into things you want to throw away, donate or keep here at the cabin yep yep and it's important to have someone there that has a little bit less uh, coma, cd say, attachment to a lot of the way I grew up yeah right, yeah, yeah, uh it. It pays to have a driver in one of the seats so that he can look at the dining room table that has been stacked full of papers and, oh, like I can't even imagine, there's probably nails and screws and various boxes they're. 

0:12:55 - Ben
They're downstairs here at the cabin, but adam has promised to go through them this winter the what the, the nails and tools right there's like a six foot by three foot area of piled up with tools yep um yeah, it pays to have someone that uh doesn't doesn't give as much of a foot about those things, to just say what is this? 

0:13:31 - Scott
Let's get rid of this, give a foot. 

0:13:33 - Ben
Yeah, I don't give a foot, give a foot. 

0:13:36 - Scott
That's the thing I don't know. I think I read it in the chapter of the galaxy or something. Okay. 

0:13:44 - Ben
So, before Peter shows up, did you listen to any of the previous uh podcasts? That's going viral like uh 25 votes 25 votes or downloads. 

0:14:00 - Scott
What is it downloads? 

0:14:02 - Ben
whoa, yeah wow three of them are human, but that's some serious megabyteage three of them are human and who are the others? I don't know, I haven't looked into it, I just know on the internet. 

0:14:19 - Scott
There's robots out there, you know surfing like downloading shit and seeing what works just pressing buttons. And seeing what works just pressing buttons and seeing what they can get through to robots making well, okay, it's official. Our voices are out in the ether. Yep, for as long as silicone diodes exist, our voices are out there and yeah, I think I listened to the first one. Have I listened? I don't think I've listened to the second or the third. Yeah, yeah, how many are out? How many are published? 

0:14:56 - Ben
two, and so we're like a couple weeks behind. So you said 2023. This won't come out until three weeks from now. No, doesn't matter, yeah, and if we run out of things to talk about. 

0:15:26 - Scott
We can always edit it out, right yep it's true, we can't. 

0:15:38 - Peter

0:15:38 - Ben
Angeles busy man musician we'll be here. We'll be with us right after this break. Who's the sponsor? We can let these guys sponsor it the burkabiner. 

0:16:13 - Scott
this episode is brought to you by the burkabiner been hosted in hayward since 1832. 32 started by a bunch of Norwegian settlers that put some sticks on their feet to go tap maple trees. The Berkebiner, the largest cross-country race known to man. It was in Hayward, Wisconsin. Sign up today. Just go to Berkeycom. That's B-E-R-K-I-Ecom. We'll fix that yeah there's probably a lot of liability. Okay, brought to you by the Berk Binder, thank you, we're still recording. So Well, what was your experience at the Berkbiner? 

0:17:28 - Ben
I did it last year and I failed to sign up this year. I did the um, but I did the uh, baby berkey, the. How long is that, prince hakon? 15 kilometers um, which feels like about a 10 kilometer run because you're moving a little faster, or 10k, 10k as we say in the running thank you, thank you for defining that jargon. 

0:17:58 - Scott
For me, hobbyist business, yeah, yes, good, good, good I um and uh, it was, it was great. 

0:18:08 - Ben
I conditioned for it. And uh, by coming here a few times. And uh, um, you know, doing it with a whole crowd of other people, you know is motivating. It's like oh, I'll just keep on going because all these other people are along yeah, it really gets your adrenaline flowing when you're surrounded by did I tell you the story of the guy who, um used me as like his pacer the whole the last 10 kilometers he did tell me it, but I forget what made it so compelling. 

He broke his binding and he was walking, so he's carrying his yeah, that's right kilometers and he would jog like like on the side of the berkey trail in the snow yeah um, but trail in the snow, yeah, um, but yeah. So he'd just jog enough, just to keep up with me and then he only passed me, like on main street, by the finish line and it got recorded. I got in the main street. On the cameras, the guy a guy walking down main street faster than me. Cross country on cross country skis. 

0:19:28 - Scott
Oh Lordy, yeah. Needless to say, we Johnston boys don't have much of a competitive bone in our body. Are you sure? Uh, generally speaking, yeah, I think, adam and mom are pretty much anyone else I know I really johnston boys, yeah, yeah, and adam, is adam competitive? 

0:20:15 - Ben
well, there's a difference. He likes to play things that are competitive yeah, that makes him interested, like playing pool. Did, did I show you my sports? 

0:20:26 - Scott
injury Racing what. 

0:20:29 - Ben
I got a sports injury Playing pool. What do you? 

0:20:34 - Scott
consider a sport. Okay, got it. That's about what I expected. 

0:20:40 - Ben
Playing pool with Adam. 

0:20:41 - Scott
Is that a knuckle? Is that? 

0:20:44 - Ben
Oh, wow, and then my knuckle into the. 

0:20:47 - Scott
It's pretty scary close up to the camera. 

0:20:50 - Ben
It wasn't actually a break, but it was. I just was a long shot that I gave it a lot of extra force and hit my knuckle right into the pool table. 

0:21:03 - Scott
The filtered pool table. 

0:21:10 - Ben
No, the rims are metal, like it was the outside hit, hit them. 

0:21:13 - Scott
Oh yeah, yeah, okay, like my knuckle was just too low, as as you made the stroke. 

0:21:17 - Ben
Yeah, yeah, got it, yeah yeah, and peter, I don't, you know he, he doesn't. Well, let him speak for himself. You can ask the same question or I don't know. 

0:21:33 - Scott
This, uh, this, this, this recording is only going to last 40 minutes, you know, so uh you know, if he's lost in songwriting land man might have to reschedule true he knows this guy I. 

0:21:48 - Ben
I told him about our convenient way of of budgeting time for the podcast by just refusing to give zoom money okay, that's one way that I mean it's convenient, it's free, free and it holds us to a pretty pretty yep. Yeah. 

0:22:09 - Scott
Yep Holds us to it. 

0:22:12 - Ben
Otherwise, what could we talk about? 

0:22:15 - Scott
Yeah, otherwise what by? As in yeah, we would yeah, we just keep going on. 

0:22:23 - Ben
So I we got here to the cabin last night and yeah, it was last night. I hope the AI takes out those long pauses, you know like, because we're talking to each other in a way that's kind of relaxed, which doesn't require instant responses. But I think the AI, which is part of the distribution whatever Buzzsprout offers might kind of tighten things up. 

0:23:04 - Scott
Tighten things up. Yeah so you look like you're thinking faster or something for people that actually don't think that fast. 

0:23:14 - Ben
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I didn't think about that. 

0:23:17 - Scott
I think that's the. That's the reason I could never be a radio host, never be an actual podcaster. It's because I there's. There's too much spaciousness. It makes for a really good best friend and a really good partner, and not a great entertainment mogul. 

0:23:37 - Ben
Well, you could find a remote NPR station. You know, do a show there, where no one cares volunteer. 

0:23:46 - Scott
I could volunteer. Yeah, how fast do you talk? 

0:23:52 - Ben
no thanks, but I got here and there was no, you know no snow on the ground, um, but I didn't have the keys to the place, because peter had the keys to the place. Because Peter had the keys to the place, he drove the truck, I drove the van, and so I started a fire and it started to snow. So that was kind of cool, you know, had a fire on the lawn and wow, all along, except around the fireplace and under the tree. You know it's getting white quintessentially cozy. 

Yes, yeah, it's a I mean growing up in minnesota. It's kind of like the favorite time of winter is the first yeah, yeah it's like you're excited then yeah, yeah, yeah and then, and then you have to wait. 

0:24:51 - Scott
When is it usually thawed out there? 

0:24:54 - Ben
what you mean um here, this little pocket of land that has, like incredible winter security, as much winter security as Northern Minnesota. 

0:25:12 - Scott
Winter security. 

0:25:14 - Ben
No, the question that matter is when do you? When's maple syrup Thawing? When is and maple syrup happens? The time when it alternates from above freezing to below freezing every day, right, so the you know, so that you need that pump. I don't, I don't quite understand why, but somehow that alternation, well, that's the time when the maple syrup runs. 

0:25:48 - Scott
Yeah, yeah, it's about freezing, but still freezing at night yeah, yeah, yeah, that fluctuation might just be a biological kind of, might just be a signal to the tree um april telling it when to start pumping, or it could be something that's actually the fluctuation itself. Could be something, some sort of physical pump somehow. 

0:26:13 - Ben
Yeah, I don't know and I think early april is probably the normal time, but it could be a month earlier or almost a month later. 

0:26:26 - Scott
Right yeah. 

0:26:28 - Ben

0:26:32 - Scott
It's really up to nature, yeah. 

0:26:37 - Ben
Is it dark there? Yet it's getting dark. It's dusk. I can still see the water. 

0:26:44 - Scott
I mean the ice. 

0:26:46 - Ben
Someone was out ice skating today, which kind of surprised me, because there was like a two or three foot gap of open water between the ice and the shore. You know, it's like I don't. I'm not sure I'd go out there. 

0:27:03 - Scott
Yeah, yeah, you knew that, yeah, you knew that. Yeah, there are ways. How do people just pay attention to how cold it's been and for how long to determine how thick the ice is? 

0:27:18 - Ben
Yeah, it's a function of the. 

0:27:21 - Scott
Yeah, besides the lake and then the temperature. 

0:27:24 - Ben
And the sun. Yeah, okay, the sun and yeah. 

0:27:27 - Scott
Yeah. Okay, besides the lake, and then the temperature and the sun, yeah, okay, yeah, okay but I also think they test it, I mean but I mean, in order to test it, don't you have to walk out a certain distance? Yeah, especially in the middle of the lake, where it's does the middle of the lake freeze first? 

0:27:47 - Ben
no, that probably freezes right I don't know which freezes first. 

0:27:53 - Scott
The whole thing freezes at once you know, the entire lake freezes at once on the first freeze. 

0:28:00 - Ben
Yeah, it's it. I've never seen a partially frozen body of water. Entire partially thawed body. I've never seen a partially frozen body of water, entire ship. I've seen a partially thawed body of water, but never a partially frozen. Hold on, you've never seen a partially frozen One that was in the process of freezing but you could see open water I see. I see that's just a process of thawing. 

0:28:24 - Scott
You've seen it before? Yeah, see, I see that's just the process of dying. 

0:28:27 - Ben
You've seen it before. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. I mean I imagine you could see a bay that was iced where the main lake wasn't. 

0:28:37 - Scott

0:28:38 - Ben
Probably happens. 

0:28:40 - Scott
Yeah, okay, okay, yeah, okay, okay. 

0:28:50 - Ben
Well, they have seven minutes to save the world yeah, we've been watching, uh, um, really old, uh action movies on the TV. Here Grandpa's TV is, we Moved it Up. 

0:29:08 - Scott
Aha, got it Sweet. 

0:29:11 - Ben

0:29:14 - Scott
Good to plug in Animal Crossing Okay. 

0:29:18 - Ben
This is the part we can cut out, or maybe we should do the wrap-up right now. I'll improvise a wrap-up, come on all right, I think that's it. 

0:29:33 - Scott
I think we're done here. Thanks everyone. Thanks for joining us. This has been tagq, also known as tagq. Also known as that's a good. Also known as TAGQ. Also known as that's a Good Question. Also known as ThatIsAGoodQuestionBuzzsproutcom. Anything else to add? Scott? 

0:29:53 - Ben
I'm hoping GarageBand is up to this task. 

0:30:02 - Scott
Where did the intro music and the tune out music come in the intro where does it come right that? 

0:30:11 - Ben
yeah I'm aware, as in where, where, does the intro for the ad and the outro for the ad. 

0:30:17 - Scott
You mean, yeah, that's from um oh, there's from I don't know if I've heard that yet. No, I just meant the whole podcast. There's that little futuristic riff and here we go, slipknot Big fan of Slipknot, big fan of slipknot joining us. You remember that time we went to Las Vegas and you were wearing a Grateful Dead shirt and there was a guy the white one. You also had a bandana on your head. You were probably like 14 or 15 and we got in the elevator and there was some dude with this white leather jacket, he and and these headphones over his ears and he just like, he was just like a cool looking, you know late 20 something, and he was chewing his gum and he looks at you and he's just like I, like the grateful dead bro not really. 

I don't really remember that yeah, in the middle of that fucking road trip that was all exhausted, and then a family of like six year old, a 10 year old and-year-old were in las vegas yeah, that was well I think it was the hard rock cafe too. 

0:31:50 - Ben
It's like the music was so loud. That's where we were going, yeah, yeah. 

0:31:53 - Scott
And then that that waiter, that server came and sat down with us and we're all just like dog, we don't? 

0:32:01 - Peter
we're not wanting to be here. 

0:32:03 - Scott
We're just trying to eat our burgers. Could you turn down the music also, that whole situation was a bad idea. 

0:32:12 - Ben
Yeah, I thought Vegas was a family place. 

0:32:19 - Scott
Okay, Turn it here first folks Las Vegas. 

0:32:26 - Peter
Family place. Well, you guys got three minutes, we got three minutes. 

0:32:30 - Scott
Peter, what's your story, man? 

0:32:35 - Peter
What the hell is this podcast about? 

0:32:40 - Scott
It's Dad and his son talking. 

0:32:44 - Peter
Do you know what? You know what they call a gay guy who's never kissed a person of the same of the opposite sex? I know A golden Oreo. That's what you call it. 

0:33:02 - Scott
I don't know. What does this mean. That's what, that's just, that's just. You call it. Uh, I don't know what. What does this mean? 

0:33:06 - Peter
that's what that's just. 

That's just what it I just last podcast I watched. That's what they talked about is the theo von podcast, of course, yeah, theo von's assistant on the podcast. They were like so do you remember the first time you, you jacked off man and he goes no, he's like I don't, I don't remember ever. And he's like you. You tell me you never masturbated, man. He's like no, I don't think I have. He's just like so what do you do when you get the urge? You just like put your hands on ice or like what do you do? He's just like. I don't think I've ever really gotten the urge. And then in the joe rogan podcast that theo was on later, he was like yeah, man, I fired that guy. That guy was weird. He never masturbated. 

He might have been asexual though. Yeah, yeah, exactly one of my, my roommates. I live in search of people in that like big house that I lived in. He was. He said he was asexual. I don't think I can get along with asexual people. Man, they're weird. They're so weird, they're so like it's. They're so apathetic, you know I've never. 

I've never knowingly like like there's a difference between people who abstain from sex and people who just don't get sex. 

0:34:31 - Scott
There's nothing to abstain from, yeah, yeah you know, yeah, I'm sure it's tied up with some sort of yeah, different, different level of tapping into your own emotions. It's got to be some chromosome thing. 

0:34:48 - Peter
You know, it's a good thing we did the outro early. Yeah, wait. So what's the question? We got like 30 seconds left. Are you lactose intolerant at all? Oh, I don't know. I don't know, man, I go back and look at that. I haven't experimented with it properly. You know, I haven't stuck to a program long enough to see if, if you know, dairy is really what's upsetting my stomach. 

0:35:19 - Scott
I just drink a glass of milk and I'm like, ooh, that's not perfect. That's not perfect, doesn't? 

0:35:24 - Peter
feel good. 

0:35:25 - Scott
Yeah, yeah, I'll. I have to these few minutes talking with you, peter, I think you should be a publicist. 

0:35:38 - Peter
You think I should be a publicist. What makes you say? 

0:35:39 - Scott
that yeah, right in there with Joe Rogan. 

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