TAGQ (That's A Good Question)
TAGQ (That's A Good Question)
Comedians in Zooms Drinking Tea
Sponsored by gravity and inertia, this podcast is a wide ranging discussion of comedy and music. And I still don't know the name of the comedian with a special I was trying to remember.
Oh yeah, it was Mike Birbiglia.
From chat.openai.com:
Suggested Title: "Curiosity Chronicles: A Podcast Journey"
Welcome to "Curiosity Chronicles," where Scott and Ben embark on a quest through the labyrinth of their minds. In today's episode, they navigate the delicate dance of movie nights, exploring the art of group decision-making and the power of a soft veto.
As the conversation takes a turn towards artificial intelligence, Scott and Ben ponder the parallels between human consciousness and the marvels of machine learning. With speculation and wonder, they contemplate the future of AI and its implications for humanity.
But it's not all serious pondering; the duo shares a lighthearted moment recalling a comedy show tailored for bass players, sparking laughter and fond memories.
In the world of "Curiosity Chronicles," every conversation is a journey, and every topic is an adventure waiting to unfold. So join Scott and Ben as they delve into the depths of their curiosity, one podcast episode at a time.
[Ben] (0:10 - 0:28)
How fast can you take a shower? 5 minutes, I suppose. Yeah, I guess the shower itself is 5 minutes, and then there's the towelling, there's the getting dressed, there's the getting undressed beforehand.
Yeah, ok. I'll be ready in 5 minutes.
[Scott] (0:28 - 0:46)
Yeah, it'll take me 15 minutes It's at least 15 And I don't like to cut it that tight So I have to be out the door in half hour. I Would definitely want to be in the shower Half hour before yeah.
[Ben] (0:46 - 1:17)
Yeah Yeah, one of those things I should just say I tell people I'm gonna be on my way in just a few minutes It's like I have To two pans to wash and Yeah shower to get into not to mention all the little detail that'll add an extra five minutes to that whole mess so I just put out the podcast You know recorded four weeks ago This morning.
[Scott] (1:17 - 1:54)
Yeah, and Yep I put up comments to that podcast that were recorded last week. I put them up as like in a post roll, but This might become like the pre-roll commentary to last week's Know the podcast I just published that mean what we're saying right now Yeah, it could be common mistakes I made in that podcast like I said the Germany was invading Germany through the fold of pass and that doesn't make any sense
[Ben] (1:54 - 1:58)
back when Germany was just a assortment of tribes
[Scott] (1:58 - 2:09)
Maybe it would make sense and I wrote down a comment about how you said people who talk to strangers are happier Yeah, I don't know why I wrote down that comment.
[Ben] (2:09 - 2:56)
So cuz Cuz it's true Yeah, it's something most people don't think about or because You call bullshit Yeah, so yeah We can start the new pod. Okay Well, welcome back to the show everybody I Realized that we recorded two weeks ago with my uncle mark your brother mark and What would have been staying on schedule would have been having the past week, but I didn't even think about it. I just I Just assumed we're gonna talk this week.
[Scott] (2:56 - 3:01)
It was this has been two weeks as you saying it's been three weeks It's been two weeks.
[Ben] (3:01 - 3:11)
But when we talked to mark it had been three weeks No, because I had to postpone it. So I had to postpone at some point. Oh, no Postponed till Monday.
[Scott] (3:11 - 3:15)
You're right Mark was getting ready to leave the cabin.
[Ben] (3:15 - 4:05)
That's right Yeah, we kept how did his a drive go in Minnesota? We've had icy roads here the beginning of this line and it's all gonna melt in another week. Oh Yeah, that's what the winters winter still up behaving that way.
Yeah. Yeah funny funny stuff all over the world I guess I can really only speak for the continental United States, but If every place has been having really haven't been having a really funky sporadic winter Yeah, we had some not quite record-breaking temperatures here, but in that range and Other than that it has been unseasonably warm up here in the Pacific Northwest Yep
[Scott] (4:09 - 4:12)
Don't always changing don't always get a winter
[Ben] (4:13 - 4:16)
Yeah, right I always get it.
[Scott] (4:17 - 5:21)
You always get a taste of it The best farmland is gonna be in Canada. So in the future This Canada is gonna become the new, Minnesota Yeah, my I found us a guest At the last moment, oh Really yeah say more Adams Girlfriend said she would well. Yes, or our That's co-traveler on lots of trips and well, she seemed she wasn't very talkative And I go, well you don't let him down and start a podcast you're just sitting down and talking to banning me Yeah, yeah You don't really need to say anything.
I think she understands the dynam Yeah.
[Ben] (5:21 - 5:58)
Yeah. Yeah, she's she's been present for it quite a bit It's right again, well cool I Yeah, I have to consider the the guest question, I'm not sure It's funny because everyone I everyone I would have on and as a guest isn't quite They have very seldom been a fly on the wall for our interactions or if not a part of our interactions I should say sure, and it's
[Scott] (5:59 - 6:05)
Which would it is asking someone to be friendly with both of us
[Ben] (6:08 - 6:39)
This is true, I Guess that's that's pretty low bar though. Be friendly for 15 20 minutes Well any less Also probably be interesting to talk to they would Yeah, or we would We're all interesting, you know, yeah key is whether or not we're able to See it and other people when I was asking Sophia if she knew it.
[Scott] (6:40 - 6:55)
I said Yeah, I think you're interesting enough for us to talk to And I meant it That's that's quite a compliment You think there's a think?
[Ben] (6:56 - 8:05)
As in there's a pretty high bar for us you have to be pretty interesting for us to talk to you I didn't use the word pretty but yeah Yeah Yeah, I can't think of anyone that wouldn't be interesting enough Talk to Yes Yeah, yeah Who's gonna later, you know, who's gonna sponsor this this Episode who's gonna sponsor this episode Gravity crap, okay Does anybody own gravity? Sponsored no, then how are we gonna get it's it's it's a pretty How are we gonna get sponsored by well gravity sponsoring everything all the time?
[Scott] (8:06 - 8:14)
Gravity brought to you brought down to the earth to you by gravity is everything around. Yes Yes, exactly.
[Ben] (8:15 - 8:50)
And at the same time we're like we're flying around the Sun Yeah, and that's another reason We exist because the Sun keeps spinning us around and then our whole solar system It's spinning around the Milky Way and the Milky Way is spinning around you get another giant celestial body so there's like That's only like what four directions that we're talking about right now. So right now we're going in four different directions It's thousands of miles miles an hour
[Scott] (8:51 - 8:57)
Probably millions miles an hour plus we're coasting somewhere inside the whole galaxy, too
[Ben] (8:57 - 9:03)
Yeah, yeah, and it's all because of gravity and why why can't we tell
[Scott] (9:06 - 9:08)
Because we're moving with everything
[Ben] (9:09 - 9:18)
But is that has something to do with gravity, but that's more like It's more like a question of just momentum inertia
[Scott] (9:19 - 9:27)
You don't feel anything. Yeah, there's no acceleration. No deceleration.
You're just Only going in that direction. Yeah.
[Ben] (9:28 - 10:41)
Yeah Whereas if it were to suddenly I'll stop Yeah, even if the earth just stops being we would just start burning up just by the friction of the air just like Good to know good to know. Yeah, so thanks inertia, I guess That was gravity Well, yeah this episodes brought to you by gravity and I'm also thankful for inertia Yeah, yeah. Yeah Seeing a good stand-up recently.
It's been a number of years since I've in person seen a special Not necessarily not anywhere On the tube or yeah, I mean I'm not a big consumer.
[Scott] (10:41 - 11:08)
It's more like I get hooked on the short clips, you know Yeah, and then if it ever builds up to like, yeah, I'm gonna sit down for an hour and watch this guy Yeah, it's kind of how it's metered out to us nowadays. Well, yeah, so I forget that I forget the name of the one we watched which I Should know Oh In front of a big curved blue Wall like it's a photographic on his latest thing.
[Ben] (11:08 - 11:11)
Oh, it's your gig You're not talking about a stand-up thing.
[Scott] (11:12 - 11:29)
We saw well, no, he's a stand-up, but he uses a lot of physical Does a lot of stuff with his body and props and and this is someone you saw yeah, it's the last Live show when I watched on Netflix and I can't remember Netflix.
[Ben] (11:29 - 12:18)
Yeah, that's not the That's not the the guy he's very sort of prim and British looking guy kind of like close to John Oliver but not John Oliver He's that's not the guy from Losas, okay, is it? Is it like remember what his name is? No, it's one of Fred.
It's co-stars in that show Let me see Julio Torres or something. I want to say Yeah, Julio Torres, that's his name he does this he does a big-time Prop stuff like he takes it to a whole new level. He gives he gives the props themselves like But I don't know who you're talking about.
No, I wasn't him British guy.
[Scott] (12:18 - 12:21)
Oh, what what? What?
[Ben] (12:22 - 12:59)
Things have you watched Nothing Well, I shouldn't say nothing, but it's been in long It's been a long while since I've watched any stand-up and I don't know if it's just the state of the world or what? But I've just been finding myself not as Enthralled by it. It's just not as funny doesn't make me laugh like it used to Maybe that could be I'm so yeah, I'm really I'm really fascinated by how the Response to it has changed and this has been you know Ongoing pretty much since the start of kovat.
[Scott] (12:59 - 13:01)
Maybe when you experience it.
[Ben] (13:01 - 13:02)
Is it any different?
[Scott] (13:02 - 13:09)
I mean when I see it I go. Yeah, that's funny You know when I experience it, is it any different?
[Ben] (13:10 - 13:51)
Uh, You mean live I agree I have a lowered expectation for it So go you say experience this applies to watching it on the television, too Or or yeah or tell me yeah It's my experience. I I think it is I'm not sure. It's hard to say whether or not the comedians are changing or I'm changing I bet I mean, I bet it's both and a bunch of other things that are going on, too Yeah, I remember seeing That was that was so long ago, but I saw mark one of Mark Maron's more recent Specials.
[Scott] (13:51 - 14:30)
Yeah, and I remember thinking that that one made me laugh a lot And it was really I listen to a limited circle of podcasts Yeah, those are the comedians I deal with and Michael see next weekend now that More judge John Tajman harshman. Yeah Yeah So I'll be playing a lot of music lately Yeah, is that funny too? Pardon?
[Ben] (14:31 - 15:47)
Is that funny too? Is it funny? Not sure how you're asking that question I I do it not just it was stupid.
It was stupid Oh Playing a lot of music lately. Yeah, nice. I've been a fiddling around on the guitar a little and I realized I need I need to ask my You need to find a good friend to go shopping with Someone that knows their guitars, which is cool.
I forgot I went for a walk with a friend. That's really in the guitar playing Just a couple days ago, and I totally forgot to ask him but next time I'll see him If he wants good idea go shopping with me he knows his way around the instrument But yeah, I've been learning the same song Trying to grasp clay pigeons but plays fully and I'm finding myself like there are times when I'm Yeah, it can be fun. And then it's also like, okay, what do I do next?
[Scott] (15:49 - 16:02)
Oh Okay, but can insert on that comedy thing This this is what I'm doing about comedy This is what makes me laugh It's podcasting it.
[Ben] (16:03 - 16:14)
Yeah. Yeah, and just Bumbling fumbling around with your your son seeing if we can Improv something that's delightful.
[Scott] (16:14 - 16:28)
Yeah. Yeah Or that's that's one. That's one adjective It is one adjective might disturb some people a fact
[Ben] (16:29 - 16:50)
well yeah, and that's Yes And I know there there will probably be moments of disturbance and there were probably be moments of delight Yeah yep, but and a lot of moments of
[Scott] (16:52 - 17:52)
Awkward awkwardness play pigeon with the like the picking thing Yeah, yeah, I was picking yeah, um I've been learning a lot of bass parts that are just like pure patterns.
But last night they played a Low rider where it was just last night you were digging Yeah, the cook culinary club it was about Spanish. Oh, right, so that's right We have a few Spanish adjacent songs culinary club Yeah making tapas jamming Yeah, you tequila it on Yeah, thanks. Yeah, we did a reprise on Margaritaville hold that off really nicely Because that's Classic classic Spanish song, you know, it's Margaritaville.
[Ben] (17:52 - 18:46)
She's a Mexican Oh, no Okay, did you hear that folks did you hear that listener? Yes, I Think yeah The listeners got it Our Guest has been taken away by this. Is this so be his dog or is the dog?
Okay, we'll just talk about Sofia for 20 minutes, then we'll just do that Okay, Oh good luck, okay Yeah Sending kisses by Cool this is one of our previous guests calls Brought you back. Oh, oh, it's cool still in business Cool.
[Scott] (18:46 - 18:50)
Oh, oh, that's the only reason I'm better than gravity.
[Ben] (18:50 - 19:10)
They got money call like coal like like like old plants Made into oil Got it, okay Keep it professional.
[Scott] (19:11 - 19:33)
Okay Professional well You know guests need some prep time. So it's kind of you know, you're not ready to walk in on this Yeah, yeah Wait, what do you do? What do you do to prep?
[Ben] (19:34 - 19:34)
What's your?
[Scott] (19:36 - 19:58)
One played drums for a while Like it's even flow state It's really so no, it's just a pleasant activity when I'm just waiting Yeah, usually usually what I do to prep is like the whole morning.
[Ben] (19:58 - 21:42)
I'm like, okay I'm going going to this dance in the morning So it was from 10 to noon and then we circle up at the end of the dance And then people go off and then talk about whatever's on their mind And then they usually sometimes it ends before noon and then other times it goes to like 1230 and It's just like okay. So today actually I I left before the circle shares were all over Because it was like I need I gotta go grocery shopping and I'm Sweating like crazy in bandana. I was wearing.
It's just sopping wet and I Got a podcast with my dad to do okay So, so what did you miss I This is at the end of dance every Sunday I was rising afterwards people as people sit around in a circle and then talk about what's on their mind and I Had to leave early it was it was it was it was going over and Okay, some of that dance is supposed to end at noon. Yeah. No, I got yeah, it's fine Yeah, I don't feel bad or anything I'm actually proud of myself for establishing that boundary and being like, okay I gotta go Then I go grocery shopping Then you know, it's a 12-minute ride back to the house And then I gotta eat but I gotta eat something nourishing and warm because it's rainy and now I'm all sweaty So I'm all cold, but I got to eat quickly because I burned so many calories So I try to make that the first thing I do when I get back and then I have to eat that and Then I have to hop in the shower. So it's at that point Don't be ready in five.
[Scott] (21:42 - 22:07)
This all has the structure of a 15 right Building up tension and then okay now I'm ready to eat building up tension story now I get out of the shower and Yeah Yeah, it's like that one Cotton drive-thru song by you know, I think of it.
[Ben] (22:07 - 23:06)
You know that one It's just 12 minutes of him Narrating this evening where him and his wife are trying to decide what to get for dinner Yeah, I remember I talk about what's in the fridge the Raider And they're talking about what they do don't feel like going out like what about all the garden and It's like we just did that yesterday and you know, is it a parody of something or is it just I didn't know It's an original You just came up with it And I remember the kid loving that song and one time like I I like Totally timed it out and I tried to imagine myself in their situation. It's like, okay I'm watching something on TV and dad and I are home alone or something and I'd tell dad like dad We go to Carl's jr. Or something I I feel like I was never the person to ask you to go to those places But maybe Peters that too many times like yeah, let's go to Carl's jr.
[Speaker 3] (23:06 - 23:12)
Let's go to Carl's jr. Dad dad dad dad dad Until you finally say, okay fine.
[Ben] (23:13 - 23:45)
All right Let's go. And then we drive to Carl's jr. And Is there a drive-thru across there is a drive-thru but we almost never yeah, there is we used it once or something.
Yeah. Yeah and I and I just remember like picturing myself in that situation as Weird Al's song was playing and I'm just like wow this whole song like we could do that in 12 minutes from like start to finish Yeah, from when? From when the impulse right to go.
[Scott] (23:45 - 24:00)
Yeah And I mean every time Peter Begins trying to convince you to when we have a burger in our mouths I can't really quite think the lyrics but it really builds to a climax over like a really trivial issue, right?
[Ben] (24:01 - 24:02)
Yeah, exactly.
[Scott] (24:02 - 24:06)
What is like? Yeah, there's something there's no ketchup.
[Speaker 3] (24:06 - 24:46)
Yeah Man I wish I could actually remember the melody Because like yeah, that's right into the burger Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah So much, I mean they're identifying Yeah, yeah.
[Ben] (24:46 - 26:50)
Yeah, exactly Yeah, it's a good song I recommend people to check it out but it will probably still make me laugh I Watched the the original. Well, not the original but the first Pink Panther was Steve Martin yesterday with a bunch of friends He started it was her it was a It was our I Can't think of words It was the first movie night we had like this group this group of like eight or nine of us decided that we're always talking about movies and we're all Saying like oh that one's on my list or I want to watch that again And so we finally said like okay every Saturday night. I'm gonna get together.
We're all gonna watch a movie together and It's good Pink Panther was Steve Martin was the first one We we all we all put a move. We have different themes and we put a put a movie in the bowl From of the theme of like a childhood movie or a movie that your inner child would like one or the other And first it was funny Yeah out of like the nine of us, you know, we all put one in and then someone no voting no voting just Well, you can veto one if you really don't want to watch it and that's what happened actually There were there were technically three videos before we settled on Pink Panther because we pulled out the jerk Yeah, which my friend Julian put in. Yeah, and And I was like, okay.
Yeah, I'm down I've only seen it once and my mom's always quoting from it like this is actually way better than the one I came up with but uh People had no idea what it was so I was like so then want someone in the group is like well, let's Someone else that knew what it was like, let's watch the trailer just so that people know what they're getting
[Scott] (26:51 - 26:53)
And it was just like, you know
[Ben] (26:55 - 27:15)
Yeah within the first 10 seconds people are like, okay, this is Not this is not what I'm wanting tonight So that was someone said after the trailer I have a soft Veto on that one. I'm like a veto is a veto. It's it's either zero or one and that's a veto
[Scott] (27:16 - 27:24)
So don't recommend you go to a vote-based system instead Because you don't have to conflict people you just vote for what you want
[Ben] (27:25 - 27:59)
No, I like the veto because if one person's unhappy with having to sit through it Then it kind of just ruins the whole night Well, I wouldn't say it ruins it Mmm, it's just I would rather everyone like being Like at least okay. Yeah, let's do that Because I Yeah, I guess you can You're you're always free to abstain if you want, but oh, I always think like no I Worked out pretty smoothly.
It did.
[Scott] (28:01 - 28:05)
I always think like we have a whole hour No, it's over.
[Ben] (28:05 - 28:07)
It's just 40 minutes, which is good.
[Scott] (28:08 - 28:15)
I Mean, I you know, don't really want to talk to you that much More, I mean, you know
[Ben] (28:18 - 28:29)
Understand I understand Yep, yep hard hard talking to us sleep-deprived 20-something Oh
[Scott] (28:32 - 28:36)
Just a full or you should go take a nap then
[Ben] (28:37 - 28:47)
Doesn't work dad this this is really like I'm done with people trying to give me advice This is like a ASMR
[Scott] (28:51 - 28:57)
I've been cutting out a lot of the dead space a No, oh
[Ben] (28:57 - 29:23)
Is that what that comedians do what I put out this morning pardon because whenever I listen to Jason Bateman and Will Arnett Sean Hayes of all talk. I always think like Happy there.
They're so good They're just like and then it's like well, yeah, it's like they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to like just Be them like just fucking Do their thing. It's like things what they do for a living.
[Scott] (29:23 - 29:43)
I mean, it's not it's not music so you can take out dead space and you're really not I mean, you can't file a basic rules of the flow of speech, but you can make Boom, they knew the next thing to say right there, you know, yeah, right I'd be really interested to hear their own edited.
[Ben] (29:43 - 29:44)
So I bet a lot of it.
[Scott] (29:45 - 29:58)
I bet a lot of it is just you know the original You know, they're like writers like when you're writing you go to edit it up You know, yeah, yeah, right, right.
[Ben] (29:59 - 29:59)
[Ben] (30:00 - 30:28)
I heard that with improv, you should make it seem like it's written. And when you're writing, you should make it seem like it's improv. I don't know how that has...
It's only very loosely related to what we were just talking about. I guess in the podcast world, yeah, you want to make it seem like it's written. Or...
[Scott] (30:28 - 30:41)
Yeah, but they kept on when the writers were on strike. I mean, they're really... You know, so legally, there's a difference between appearing on a talk show.
[Ben] (30:41 - 30:43)
Yeah, yeah.
[Scott] (30:43 - 30:44)
Making a talk show.
[Ben] (30:45 - 30:52)
I just brought that up because it spurred something in my brain, and I thought, wow, Ben has something important to say. Say it.
[Scott] (30:52 - 31:02)
Sorry, talk show isn't the right thing, because talk shows have writers. This is a podcast. Yeah, right, yeah.
[Ben] (31:04 - 31:12)
I talked up a time. I didn't know that could happen with this chair. Shit.
[Scott] (31:13 - 31:18)
Okay. Explain for the people, because this is an audio...
[Ben] (31:19 - 31:20)
I did not write that.
[Scott] (31:21 - 31:23)
Medium. What just happened?
[Ben] (31:24 - 31:32)
So we're... I have this chair that a friend of mine bought from the thrift store. And we call it Michael.
[Scott] (31:33 - 31:34)
[Ben] (31:35 - 31:37)
Yeah, can you describe what you see, Dad?
[Scott] (31:38 - 31:44)
It looks like a chair for... You sit on it, but your knees have knee pads to...
[Ben] (31:44 - 31:46)
Yeah, right, and so it rocks.
[Scott] (31:47 - 31:48)
It's a rocking chair, yeah.
[Ben] (31:48 - 32:16)
And it kind of... It's really good for your lumbar region and your spine, so you are able to sit up straight pretty effortlessly. And it kind of naturally rocks.
And I just went too far back, and I was surprised by how easily... My momentum was flipped to go that direction in the...
[Scott] (32:16 - 32:24)
While you were making the crazy noises, you got more enthusiastic with your body going back and forth.
[Ben] (32:24 - 32:36)
Luckily, my bed is right behind this. That's good. Well, because it's such an awkward chair, that I had to contort my body in certain ways to...
[Scott] (32:37 - 32:38)
Yeah, it was...
[Ben] (32:38 - 32:38)
[Scott] (32:39 - 32:53)
Last night... Yeah, Gary... Tipped back over on the drum stool he was sitting on.
Like, one of the oldest, most cheapest ones. It's like, oh...
[Ben] (32:53 - 32:57)
Is Gary one of the oldest and cheapest members of the Korean club?
[Scott] (32:57 - 33:08)
No, the drum stool. This is a drum stool that's painted gold by the bottom. Oh, nice.
So it's the... The iconic... One from back in the...
[Ben] (33:08 - 33:13)
When Peter was in... 2000s. Yeah.
Yeah. Yep.
[Scott] (33:15 - 33:15)
[Ben] (33:15 - 33:20)
Well, I can't even remember what I was talking about before I flipped over.
[Scott] (33:20 - 33:21)
Yeah, neither can I.
[Ben] (33:23 - 33:24)
Writing versus improv.
[Scott] (33:25 - 33:26)
We could wrap up.
[Ben] (33:27 - 33:28)
That's true.
[Scott] (33:30 - 33:33)
Writing versus improv. Yeah.
[Ben] (33:34 - 33:36)
Oh, I brought that back up.
[Scott] (33:37 - 33:38)
That's exactly...
[Ben] (33:38 - 33:39)
Stay in the first place.
[Scott] (33:40 - 33:54)
You know that's how AI works. Just like we do. You just got this neural net that's trained, and it's just coming up with the next word.
Yeah. Or if you close your eyes and see an image, it's...
[Ben] (33:54 - 33:59)
Am I really doing any of this? We don't need to... That's not that kind of podcast.
[Scott] (34:00 - 34:05)
We're not... What do you mean? We don't talk about the way things are?
[Ben] (34:09 - 34:10)
Well, some people might.
[Scott] (34:10 - 34:11)
[Ben] (34:11 - 34:13)
Yeah. No, you're right. You're correct.
[Scott] (34:14 - 34:34)
Well, I talk about things in the way that people advertising AI are not explaining to you how it's working. Right? They just say, It's so amazing.
You should just be awed. And it's like, No, they're just doing what your own brain does. So you got one too.
[Ben] (34:34 - 34:52)
Yeah. I mean, the fact that someone was able to invent something that does something that even approaches what our brain does. Yeah.
It's pretty wild. I mean, it's a really, really far cry from the processing power that we have.
[Scott] (34:53 - 34:53)
[Ben] (34:53 - 34:56)
But still something to be awed by.
[Scott] (34:56 - 35:09)
Ours was the proof of concept. Right? It's like, well, this works.
And it's like, birds fly. We'll figure out how to fly. You know?
Brains are made of neurons, and they do this. We'll figure out how to do them.
[Ben] (35:10 - 35:19)
We'll figure out how to develop human consciousness. I'm not sure that. What is our flying?
[Scott] (35:20 - 35:20)
[Ben] (35:21 - 35:26)
Say more. What is our flying? This is the proof of concept.
Say more about that.
[Scott] (35:27 - 35:30)
Birds were a proof of concept that aviation was possible.
[Ben] (35:31 - 35:33)
And our brains are proof of concept to that.
[Scott] (35:33 - 35:39)
That AI is possible. That you can build a machine that can.
[Ben] (35:39 - 35:44)
NI is possible. NI. What's the difference between?
[Scott] (35:46 - 35:47)
NI. Yeah. Right.
[Ben] (35:49 - 35:51)
Nice. Nice way to wrap it up. Cool.
[Scott] (35:52 - 36:00)
All right. I never know what the podcasts are going to be called until I go through it, listen to the whole thing again.
[Ben] (36:02 - 36:04)
Yeah. This one will be called.
[Scott] (36:05 - 36:06)
Yeah. You can.
[Ben] (36:07 - 36:17)
Sick. Sick dogs and. Sick dogs.
Yeah. Sick dogs.
[Scott] (36:18 - 36:36)
You're bringing more things laid out here. I'm sure they'll be okay. We'll report on the next podcast.
What happened? You're right. It won't be sick dogs.
We have to get Sophia back on here and we will find out what happened. Okay.
[Ben] (36:36 - 36:39)
Gravity of Michael. Gravity's Michael.
[Scott] (36:39 - 36:40)
[Ben] (36:40 - 36:42)
Not gravity's rainbow. Gravity's Michael.
[Scott] (36:42 - 36:50)
This has been. That's a good question. And you have less than a minute to say what the good question was.
Go. The good question was.
[Ben] (36:51 - 36:57)
Have you ever. Have you seen any good standup comedy recently? Oh, yeah.
[Scott] (36:57 - 37:12)
Okay. Good point. I didn't see Fred Armisen.
Two years ago on my birthday. No one. And it was a comedy for comedy for base players.
So I felt that was special.
[Ben] (37:12 - 37:14)
I told that was just a year ago.
[Scott] (37:15 - 37:15)
The year ago.
[Ben] (37:15 - 37:19)
Last year. Yeah. I remember telling all my friends that that was happening.
[Scott] (37:20 - 37:23)
At the music hall where we speak.
[Ben] (37:25 - 37:28)
Story to play special. Yeah. Nice.