TAGQ (That's A Good Question)
TAGQ (That's A Good Question)
Cartoon Penguin Rock Stars and The Winter That Wasn't
Ben and Scott talk improv, editorial cartoons, and accessories named Sparky. Sponsoring Marketplace Foods in Hayward WI.
From podsqueeze.com:
In this podcast episode, the hosts engage in a diverse conversation covering topics from the art of improvisation and the role of editorial cartoonists to nostalgic childhood memories and their personal favorite foods. Additionally, they touch upon the comedic work of a particular comedian and discuss a television show featuring aliens integrating into a human family. The dialogue is a blend of cultural commentary and personal anecdotes.
For images from the episode:
Ben ( (00:00:19) - Yeah, it's all improv. I don't even know what I'm going to say.
Scott (00:00:24) - Your brain works just like AI. It just predicts the next thing you're going to say. It just compiles.
Ben (00:00:31) - The information and spilled it out.
Scott (00:00:35) - It's been trained on your back catalogue, you know.
Ben (00:00:40) - Yep.
Scott (00:00:41) - That's personal.
Ben (00:00:43) - Yep, yep. Been training. I've been training this I for decades.
Scott (00:00:49) - I've been listening to myself on the podcast and I say, like, you know, a lot.
Ben/Scott (00:00:55) - You know. I know, I know. Sorry.
Ben (00:01:04) - And I see, I know.
Scott (00:01:06) - Well, I have another. Verbal thing. or whatever or.
Ben (00:01:15) - Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Scott (00:01:18) - Yeah, that's a good tool. So what's the improv way of doing it? Yeah, yeah.
Ben (00:01:27) - Improper way of doing it is to. not say it.
Scott (00:01:34) - How do you point where you.
Ben (00:01:36) - Stop using the filler words I don't know.
Scott (00:01:40) - Isn't there a way to build time? Like when you're thinking by going, yep, yep, you know, just.
Ben (00:01:46) - Well, it depends on the kind of improv. Is it like in, like, improv where you're up doing scene work? And if you're trying to kill time doing scene work a lot of. Think a lot of performers would say, just remember to take your time. Because if you can establish where you are and show where you are using, Can't remember what they call it. it's not prop work cause you're not actually using props. But when you're interacting with your environment, you can think of all the time you need.
Scott (00:02:28) - Sure, if you've got something else for people to look at. Then you can pause.
Ben (00:02:34) - Right? But sometimes you can't really think of what you're interacting with. Yeah. So then you're just. Yeah. But people tend to like, think that they need to hurry up and say something, when in fact, a lot of the time it's. The audience really just wants to see you make shit up and. A lot of the time that's just you interacting in your environment in a in a way that actually makes sense.
Ben (00:03:05) - So if you're doing the dishes, you can do your dishes for a solid 20s before you know. I haven't really say anything. Yeah.
Scott (00:03:15) - What? Sorry, I don't get the dishes analogy. Well, I.
Ben (00:03:21) - Just, I improvised, you know? What? What are we doing? We're doing dishes. Okay. I'm in front of the sink now, and I'm doing all the motions to show that I'm doing the dishes. I turn on the sink.
Scott (00:03:30) - Oh, yeah. Of course.
Ben (00:03:31) - And then I grab the sponge, and then I take a take a plate from the counter to the left, and then I start scrubbing it, and then I turn off the water and then.
Scott (00:03:41) - But if you were going to do in a podcast, you would have to make the noises, you know, like.
Ben (00:03:47) - Yeah, you know, it's kind of like, a screenplay, you know, where it's like, you know, the asterisks and says he, he begins doing dishes. He turns on the faucet slowly or whatever.
Scott (00:04:09) - Yeah. That's very professional.
Ben (00:04:13) - What's the story behind the penguin on your shirt that plays guitar with the with the, What is it? Is it a bandana? It wearing a blindfold? Kind of looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. But if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were teenage mutant penguins.
Scott (00:04:29) - A cartoonist who's, Publishing name is Tom tomorrow. he's. Let me just look it up. Daniel. Somebody. Morrow, Daniel.
Ben (00:04:47) - Tom. Tom tomorrow.
Scott (00:04:52) - Dan. Dan Perkins, he's a cartoonist. Who? Was like in local the local weekly. And he was in San Francisco and we were in San Francisco. So he was like in City Pages. And at the same time, What's his name? The Simpsons dude was doing weekly alternative newspapers. Life in hell was his was his weekly thing. And out of that, The Simpsons kind of somehow came about. Matt.
Ben (00:05:29) - So Simpson grew out of life and hell.
Scott (00:05:32) - Dan Perkins has been making, like, a similar six column format of editorial cartooning since then, continually all the way through, all the way through Trump and the pandemic.
Ben (00:05:45) - And is he published online?
Scott (00:05:48) - Yeah, he does now.
Ben (00:05:52) - And he was in the said city pages.
Scott (00:05:57) - That's what it was called in some town I'm from. I don't quote me. I'm not sure if that's the San Francisco name or the Twin Cities name.
Ben (00:06:07) - It's like one of those local periodicals you find outside of a cafe when you're going to get brunch on a Sunday.
Scott (00:06:13) - Yeah, they publish them once a week and they're free and they're full of ads and they have some cartoons. And some journalism. Yeah. And they. They publicize shows a lot. I was always a resource for finding shows music. Oh, so back to him. His cartoons called This Modern. This modern world and within it. The Penguin's his sidekick. which is kind of a tradition, you know, and editorial cartoons to always have a muttering sidekick off in the corner. Yeah. Started with, I don't know if it started with her block, but he was like the most famous for it.
Ben (00:07:09) - Per block.
Scott (00:07:10) - Per block.
Scott (00:07:10) - Yeah.
Ben (00:07:11) - Or walk.
Scott (00:07:14) - I forget what his muttering character was, but this is definitely inspired by it. And so this is a penguin who wears, you know, Geordi from Star Trek, like visor. That cover his eyes. Always. And he happens to also play guitar. Got it. Thanks for asking. That was a good question.
Ben (00:07:42) - You're welcome. Yeah. Herbert Lawrence Block, commonly known as Herb Block, was an American editorial cartoonist and author best known for his commentaries on national, domestic and foreign policy.
Scott (00:07:56) - Yeah.
Ben (00:07:56) - Born 1909. Died 2001. Well. He coined the term McCarthyism and on March 29th, 1950, cartoon. The more you know. He looks like quite the, 1950s cartoonist. I have to say. Yeah. Let's face. His nose says it all.
Scott (00:08:23) - We just covered the history of editorial cartooning that. Matters to me in my life. It goes farther back than that. But you know.
Ben (00:08:35) - As in editorial cartoonists. Go farther back, then.
Scott (00:08:39) - This guy is like, you know, the fireside or.
Scott (00:08:45) - Yeah.
Ben (00:08:47) - Like. Yep.
Scott (00:08:49) - For that absurdity. But it's it's his own worlds that he makes up. And he's so I don't know. It's a piece of art and it's a daily. It's a weekly chore for him because he really has to consume all the current events and then make a composite editorial cartoon.
Ben (00:09:15) - About, are you saying that it's it's a job for him?
Scott (00:09:20) - Yeah, I think he makes his money.
Ben (00:09:22) - Off to do a lot of things that he kind of thinks sucks in order to. Produce something and offer something. And you know. Get something to the people that they're willing to give him a little more.
Scott (00:09:38) - It's obviously more than a job. It's a mission. To still be doing it. You know. Right? Yeah. Of course. The way he does it. Against all odds. I mean, other than, like. Yeah, some favorability and a certain, culture like mine. You know, it's like, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Praise I. You have to remember, this is not a visual medium.
Scott (00:10:09) - Even though we're using video talking to each other. I. We've been talking about a pen, and no one you needed to describe the one to describe it. I guess I thought I did.
Ben (00:10:22) - I said it was a little penguin with a guitar and a little blindfold on, as if it's almost like if it was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle that was instead a Teenage Mutant Ninja penguin with a guitar.
Scott (00:10:36) - With the guitar? Yeah, I said that.
Ben (00:10:38) - I said that.
Scott (00:10:40) - Okay. Good.
Ben (00:10:42) - I can describe it in more detail. No, no. Guitar kind of looks like one of those, like, kind of classic, like the, the Strat that the Fender Strat. It's the classic red Fender Red with.
Scott (00:10:56) - The white.
Ben (00:10:57) - Wearing sneakers.
Scott (00:10:59) - Well, we could put.
Ben (00:11:00) - This arm out in a windmill.
Scott (00:11:02) - Put this image up on our our web page.
Ben (00:11:07) - Ecstatically. Right. Sorry.
Scott (00:11:10) - We can put this image up on our podcast webpage.
Ben (00:11:13) - There you go. Yeah.
Scott (00:11:15) - What's the what? What's the.
Ben (00:11:16) - Word?
Scott (00:11:17) - Oh, we don't know these. Are they okay?
Ben (00:11:22) - Ask, ask AI to generate Scott Perkins. Scott Perkins what was it? Dan Perkins, Dan.
Scott (00:11:27) - Perkins.
Ben (00:11:28) - Dan Perkins ask it to generate a Dan Perkins penguin. What's the name of the penguin?
Scott (00:11:39) - Sparky.
Ben (00:11:42) - You know, Sparky is the name of the little firefighter that lives on my keychain, and I have right here. Do you describe to to the, That's funny. Dad. Both of us carry little caricatures. Name Sparky on our bodies. Like, pretty much any time we ever go out in public. Because I don't know if I've.
Scott (00:12:02) - Seen you.
Ben (00:12:04) - Make sure I did anything other than that jacket.
Scott (00:12:07) - Dan Perkins. A penguin. Sidekick.
Ben (00:12:14) - We know you don't need to look it up. It's Sparky. Because that way.
Scott (00:12:18) - No. Why did you say Sparky?
Ben (00:12:21) - Because it is.
Scott (00:12:22) - Sparky. It is Sparky. It just. It's just. I didn't have that answer preloaded, you know, I.
Ben (00:12:28) - Yeah, no.
Ben (00:12:29) - It's good. The timing was impeccable. That was true. Improv was great.
Scott (00:12:33) - So this is, You're showing me a.
Ben (00:12:36) - Yeah. Describe to the.
Scott (00:12:38) - Got that came in a, Christmas stocking, and probably the only one was. Still exists. Probably. It's a. Oh.
Ben (00:12:47) - Robert. Only one that exists.
Scott (00:12:49) - Robert. Well, I don't know. It's a it's a fireman. Sort of a person with a hat on, like, 1800s. Oh, a Chinese fireman from a century ago.
Ben (00:13:04) - And I'll say Chinese as you think that says.
Scott (00:13:06) - Doesn't it say, oh, it says chief. Oh, sorry, I thought it said I saw China.
Ben (00:13:11) - And then his name. I used to tell people, oh, his name is chief because people be like, oh, you have a little guy on your belt loop. What's his name? And then I'd show him his back and they. And I'd say his name is chief. And then one day I looked at his shoes at the bottom of his shoe, and it says, Sparky.
Ben (00:13:27) - I'm like, oh. Sorry, man. I was mis naming you this entire time.
Scott (00:13:38) - Oh, we have this video. We could grab them, you know. Yeah. Show the things on the video.
Ben (00:13:46) - What do you mean this? This show. The video on the podcast.
Scott (00:13:51) - Well right there. Take a picture of the video later.
Ben (00:13:55) - Oh I see. Yeah. So you said he might. You said there's another one that exists, actually.
Scott (00:14:05) - Who?
Ben (00:14:06) - Yeah. Do you remember when these were hanging on our old refrigerator for you and mom renovated the house. Border magnets.
Scott (00:14:15) - Wearing shorts and a short shirt and a helmet.
Ben (00:14:20) - Yeah. He's a border.
Scott (00:14:22) - A border, yeah. Do you have a name?
Ben (00:14:25) - His name? Is right here.
Scott (00:14:30) - I have to read this. So. Okay. Del del cr Decker okay.
Ben (00:14:36) - That makes Decker the skateboarder and Sparky the fireman.
Scott (00:14:42) - Yeah. I don't have a I don't have a decker on me.
Ben (00:14:46) - I don't, I don't. Dekker lives in Maya.
Ben (00:14:48) - He's just one of the little trinkets that sits on my dresser at home. Yeah, it's nostalgia, because I'm always missing. Always missing my childhood. Still getting over that unhealthy attachment to the way things used to be. You know.
Scott (00:15:05) - Youth.
Ben (00:15:07) - Youth. I was thinking yesterday about how I can barely remember. I only have like a few memories of eating lunch. At. White Oaks Elementary. Because I remember you and mom used to make me, the little. You get a slice of Wonder Bread and then put a Kraft Singles on top and then microwave it for 30s. And I just loved the open face. American cheese. Sandwich, an open face sandwich. And it's.
Scott (00:15:51) - Like.
Ben (00:15:52) - Yeah, and I still remember pretty vividly how it tastes, but I don't remember like. I don't remember. I don't have very many specific memories.
Scott (00:16:05) - Of my mother would have been.
Ben (00:16:07) - Upset. Friends or what?
Scott (00:16:09) - My mother was over Wonder Bread a lot sooner than myself, I guess. Or her grandkids.
Ben (00:16:20) - As in, your mom abandoned it?
Scott (00:16:22) - Yes.
Scott (00:16:23) - No. We had whole wheat bread. Before, most in the neighborhood knew such a thing existed. Yeah, yeah.
Ben (00:16:35) - I, I yeah, I remember how much I loved it. Yeah, I remember on the weekends getting too big. Too big slices of Wonder Bread. That was. Say it again.
Scott (00:16:50) - That was your go to snack?
Ben (00:16:53) - Yeah, it was just butter, butter and wonder bread. Yeah. And then I would eat it with dinosaur oatmeal. So just sugar on carbohydrates. On to more carbohydrates. A little bit of dairy fat. And that was like. That that was my cuisine. As I would watch Saturday morning.
Scott (00:17:12) - We should get them. We should get a box and have it right here just so you can, you know. I know this is a visual medium. I'm opening the cupboard and showing where a. Box of dinosaur oatmeal would be at the cabin.
Ben (00:17:31) - Let's get a box. Let's do it. Okay. And I never. Do you ever remember the a little scuba divers? Scuba diver.
Ben (00:17:38) - Oatmeal.
Scott (00:17:40) - Once. Yeah, I would have always forgotten it. But now that you brought it up. Yeah, I don't remember. Okay. What? It was candy. Things that sunk.
Ben (00:17:51) - It was I. Why did I never think to Google this before? It was, Quaker Berry blue sea adventures. Oatmeal.
Scott (00:18:01) - Oh.
Ben (00:18:03) - So maybe it wasn't a scuba diver, but it was like kind of a berry flavored thing. And scuba divers were in the eggs that would melt. And then there were sharks and fish and stuff. And it was like, I just remember loving it so much. It kind of had this tang to it because the dinosaur oatmeal was just brown sugar. Yeah, but the berry blue is berry artificial berry flavor.
Scott (00:18:29) - So remember that the weird memory I have of growing up at the Favre's favorite thing was. This Jell-O that separated automatically into like. you know, a solid, gelatinous bottom. A mousse like metal and a frothy top.
Ben (00:18:54) - It automatically separated.
Scott (00:18:57) - Yeah, that was the trick.
Scott (00:18:59) - It was like, hey, made like you're making pudding, you're making Jell-O, and you got like, this.
Ben (00:19:05) - Oh it it like, naturally. striated.
Scott (00:19:10) - Yeah it as it gelled the gelling.
Ben (00:19:14) - Different densities.
Scott (00:19:15) - Layered.
Ben (00:19:16) - Yeah.
Scott (00:19:17) - Really into three. I mean, these are just accidents that must happen in the food laboratories. And, someone goes, you know, we can make food with that.
Ben (00:19:30) - Yeah, we can still use that. Yeah.
Scott (00:19:35) - That's weird. This didn't settle into what I wanted. It's like. Yeah, but look.
Ben (00:19:40) - Pretty cool though. Yeah. It's like the French flag. Or is the French flag. French flag is vertical stripes.
Scott (00:19:50) - So I'm here at the cabin. You remember that, comedian you guys saw? Yeah. On the other hand, other than, like Mary Mack, she's like the voice of home.
Ben (00:20:07) - She had sound. Her name sounds like it's a cartoon character. Yeah, it actually has a nice acting.
Scott (00:20:14) - The voice actor who did. Rick and Morty.
Scott (00:20:20) - The wreck. Had another show, or still has another show about some aliens who crash landed in someone's house and they're trying to. Right, like a normal family. And no one has noticed that they're aliens yet. Some for some reason. so.
Ben (00:20:38) - The aliens crash into these. Folks this house and start kind of living amongst them. Or is it the family itself?
Scott (00:20:48) - No, this family is just. This is some planet exploded with some certain life on it. And, And they sent out all these, Family groups to try to repopulate the, The universe and, It's solar. Solar opposites. Right? Yeah. anyways, because of her, I started following a a comedian who's like, Hayward centric. And,
Ben (00:21:28) - They were Wisconsin, that is.
Scott (00:21:31) - And follow him on Instagram. It's pretty funny. And he goes by northern nerd is his thing. He's like a second grade teacher in Hayward.
Ben (00:21:43) - And her second grade teacher.
Scott (00:21:45) - I ran into him. Oh, grocery store.
Ben (00:21:50) - And I got the groceries.
Ben (00:21:51) - You did the.
Scott (00:21:52) - I did the I did the fan boy thing.
Ben (00:21:56) - Yeah, he probably appreciated that.
Scott (00:21:58) - Yeah. I just this is the first time.
Ben (00:22:01) - Has ever happened.
Scott (00:22:02) - Yeah. This is like. I like your stuff. You know, I, I told him my the Merrimack connection and he went, oh, okay. You know, and, Yeah, that was it. But it was like,
Ben (00:22:21) - Did you ask him if he knows? I said pardon. Ask him if he knows about Sparky.
Scott (00:22:27) - No, we weren't having that long a discussion.
Ben (00:22:30) - Okay. You didn't ask about the penguin.
Scott (00:22:31) - He's got, like, a one year old or less than one year old.
Ben (00:22:36) - There's no rush.
Scott (00:22:37) - Yeah.
Ben (00:22:38) - The busy guy.
Scott (00:22:41) - Yeah. He didn't even grab a cart.
Ben (00:22:46) - But nobody serious. Yeah. Which, grocery store is this? This, marketplace or Walmart?
Scott (00:23:13) - Marketplace.
Ben (00:23:15) - Got it. Got good taste. Got good taste. If he's not, he's not going.
Scott (00:23:24) - To maybe get sponsored by them.
Ben (00:23:26) - Instead of going to the.
Scott (00:23:28) - The the the four brothers. We would like, had a meat shop in, Saint Cloud, Minnesota.
Ben (00:23:39) - It. Yeah. What about the Meat Brothers in Saint Cloud, Minnesota? I'm sorry.
Scott (00:23:47) - What do they call the Cobb brothers, though? I hope I get this one right.
Ben (00:23:55) - Local celebrities. These are people you're waiting with.
Scott (00:24:01) - The name of the the. I guess if they're gonna, They're going to sponsor us, which.
Ben (00:24:09) - Oh, yeah.
Scott (00:24:10) - This is probably not a good way of, of of getting sponsorship. Is it like googling the people that you're trying to bring up?
Ben (00:24:20) - well, that's what they do. They just usually do it before the episode starts. Tell other podcasters do it. As far as I know.
Scott (00:24:27) - You mean they know what they're going to talk about?
Ben (00:24:32) - I guess it depends on the podcast, but I would I would venture to guess that a lot of the time they do.
Scott (00:24:39) - Yeah. About us. Here we go. Well, you know, maybe some people like to watch other people Google stuff.
Scott (00:24:50) - And maybe they don't, I don't know. Coburn. Sorry.
Ben (00:24:53) - No one's watching us do anything.
Scott (00:24:55) - Coburn's is the four brothers who had this.
Ben (00:24:59) - That's a good question.
Scott (00:25:01) - No, we already had. Good.
Ben (00:25:03) - I've been brought to you by the four meat brothers. The four Coburn meat brothers. Get your meats. If you live anywhere near Hayward, Wisconsin or Saint Cloud, Minnesota.
Scott (00:25:14) - Get your meat anywhere. Kind of in an arc north of there.
Ben (00:25:20) - Yeah, yeah. Anywhere in an arc north. Anywhere from, bam from down south.
Scott (00:25:28) - Places that normally have winter.
Ben (00:25:32) - Normally. What's it like there? Wildfires raging.
Scott (00:25:37) - So is this. Did we end that commercial? no. I like the meat.
Ben (00:25:45) - Meat brothers.
Scott (00:25:46) - I like the cheese. I like going there because you can, They'll have odds and ends in bacon and Colby cheese, and. And now they have the cheese curds, which I guess is,
Ben (00:26:00) - How squeaky are they?
Scott (00:26:01) - I think it's a Wisconsin oddity. I don't know if that's really true, but it might be true.
Ben (00:26:08) - What? Cheese curds.
Scott (00:26:09) - And bratwurst. Pardon? What kind of cheese?
Ben (00:26:13) - Cheese curds are a Wisconsin oddity.
Scott (00:26:17) - You need some fact checked fact checkers. I mean, this is just an ad. We just say stuff, right? You have to double check it.
Ben (00:26:24) - Yeah, that's how it works. Exactly. Right. Yeah.
Scott (00:26:28) - And normally they are right at the base of the finish line of the cabinet. Right at the base.
Ben (00:26:36) - Stan set up.
Scott (00:26:38) - The end. When you.
Ben (00:26:38) - Finish your.
Scott (00:26:39) - What's called this main street now. But, it used to be called Iowa Street.
Ben (00:26:47) - When you finish your grueling two hour cross-country race, or you have a.
Scott (00:26:51) - Bridge over highway 63.
Ben (00:26:54) - Sausage.
Scott (00:26:55) - And you have to get up to, like, by the post office. Before you finish. And usually they know for two blocks. But this year they. Trucked in snow for.
Ben (00:27:13) - Yikes.
Scott (00:27:14) - Think of, like, a loop in the woods.
Ben (00:27:18) - By ten kilometres. They trucked in snow.
Scott (00:27:21) - No, no, they made it.
Scott (00:27:25) - It's like they created a mountain of snow. At Telemark and, Covered it. Covered it on days when it would have melted and made it grow on days. And then they had this, you know, trail marked out. And when the week came, they just covered it with all the snow needed.
Ben (00:27:48) - And so come the let's see what happens when in January or February.
Scott (00:27:55) - They showed how this kind of thing could be done, like in Chicago. Right. Chicago is going to be 5050 on the thermal. I mean. That they're saying, like, Milwaukee and Madison should be doing this because, yeah, most winters there will be cross-country skiing in Sawyer County.
Ben (00:28:19) - But.
Scott (00:28:21) - But not not most winters in Milwaukee.
Ben (00:28:25) - Yeah, right. So.
Scott (00:28:28) - But how much snow? So you can do this snowmaking thing.
Ben (00:28:32) - How much snow is on the ground? Usually come time for the bark of a race.
Scott (00:28:39) - Usually more than enough.
Ben (00:28:43) - And what is that? Talk numbers. Remember, this is not a visual medium.
Scott (00:28:48) - In my mind, I always think there's a foot of snow or more.
Ben (00:28:53) - Okay. All right. And then this year, there was. In certain places, pretty much none.
Scott (00:29:00) - Everywhere.
Ben (00:29:01) - Everywhere there was none. It was just bare ground in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.
Scott (00:29:08) - Yeah. Well, have you seen the map of the temperature differences? It really hit was Wisconsin is completely that dark red. Bad black. And Minnesota is half of that.
Ben (00:29:23) - Yeah, right. Yeah.
Scott (00:29:27) - Wow.
Ben (00:29:29) - Such.
Scott (00:29:33) - Part of our brand. We we. You know, we need to figure out the what this podcast is about. But that's still. Still a good question.
Ben (00:29:44) - It's in the works. Yeah. In the works. Yeah.
Scott (00:29:51) - Oh, there's our favorite. Cole.
Ben (00:29:53) - Cole. Did we ever finish the ad? That was all still part of the ad. Okay. Ko ko ko ko ko ko meat brothers.
Scott (00:30:05) - And, getting.
Ben (00:30:07) - Getting your.
Scott (00:30:08) - Thank you.
Ben (00:30:08) - Fueled.
Scott (00:30:09) - Will will.
Ben (00:30:11) - Fueled.
Scott (00:30:12) - With where he met the northern nerd.
Scott (00:30:13) - And, no one will ever hear this unless people use AI and then search it or something. But okay. Oh, back to the regular podcast. What were we talking about?
Ben (00:30:45) - Back to our regularly scheduled programming. You know, I'm not not really sure we ever got that far beyond Sparky.
Scott (00:30:53) - I think we shouldn't talk about sleep hygiene because we do that often. That's like, I've.
Ben (00:30:59) - Been sleeping pretty well lately. I've been standing more in my own truth the last couple of weeks. And that's really what it comes down to. Oh, love to try to prescribe you chemical fixes to these things. And a lot of it comes down to just whether or not you're actually listening to your inner truth.
Scott (00:31:18) - Accepting what you are.
Ben (00:31:22) - that's part of it. But I would say my big thing was. Facing fears.
Scott (00:31:31) - Yeah. At work, for instance.
Ben (00:31:36) - I won't use any names and I won't say anything. Hopefully to, divisive. I will say that there were certain conversations that I. Had been afraid of having.
Ben (00:31:56) - And this past week there was there were some breakthroughs that just kind of happened kind of naturally. And I got to the root of some people's sort of, Tensions that I was sensing into. And after having those conversations that were a lot of the times, really uncomfortable. I, Just felt. A little bit more at ease. And like I. I'm exactly where I meant to be. Yeah. Of that. but you said we weren't going to talk about sleep hygiene. And look at me going off about how to how to practice courageous authenticity. Well, I,
Scott (00:32:49) - Yeah, there were no opportunities to interject a joke in any of that, so.
Ben (00:32:54) - Oh, you're just you're just not getting creative enough.
Scott (00:32:58) - He.
Ben (00:32:59) - You're just not drunk enough, dad.
Scott (00:33:03) - I am not sure why.
Ben (00:33:06) - Oh, wow.
Scott (00:33:07) - Okay.
Ben (00:33:08) - Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, boy. Oh. Oh. Oops. Oops. Boom boom boom boom boom. Reset. Okay. Welcome back everyone.
Speaker 3 (00:33:30) - I.
Ben (00:33:33) - Wish I could, talk about anything other than sleep hygiene.
Ben (00:33:38) - That's just. That's just what's on my mind. What's on my mind these days.
Scott (00:33:45) - Yeah. Yeah, I edit out all these dead spaces, so, you know. Yeah. Okay, so we seem more clever than we are, you know?
Ben (00:34:04) - I mean, I imagine everyone does that.
Scott (00:34:07) - I don't know. I've never heard anyone confess to it.
Ben (00:34:13) - If you ever. Yeah. Have you? Have you ever, like, Like worked with. I don't know, carpentry is the skill I'm thinking of right now. Like, worked with, worked with a carpenter or a woodworker, and they're they're kind of teaching you how to do something. And then they use, like a particular tool, a tool that you've probably seen before, but you've never really known what it does. And then they're like, this is the tool you use for that job. You just do this and that and this. And then you slide it through and yeah, that's how you do it. And it's like, man, that's not hard.
Ben (00:34:54) - I just need to know how to do that. And it's like, well, I could have done that if you told me that. It's all about working smarter, not harder. I feel like if you were in the behind the scenes. With some really effective podcasters and seeing what they do in the editing room, it would be like, well, yeah, you got Dead Space too. Like, I can do that. Like I can just move things around and make myself sound way quicker and funnier than I actually am, because I also only get a joke. That's good. That one out of every ten times. Yeah. Well, okay.
Scott (00:35:37) - No, we we don't have that freedom. We don't. And I only take up things for Dead space and, Pointlessness.
Ben (00:35:51) - Pointlessness. What what what what? What has a point in the first place?
Scott (00:35:57) - Don't I like telling the story?
Ben (00:36:00) - It's about right. No, it's about.
Scott (00:36:03) - If you're building a character or you're moving.
Ben (00:36:06) - Along people along and giving them something delightful to work with by the end.
Ben (00:36:10) - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. No, I, I and I totally understand that the craft of an art of podcasting and pretty much any other craft in art, there's there's a lot that goes into it. It's just really comes down to training and practice, and tools can only get you so far along and at some point, you know. You're on. Your own ingenuity has to be built up. So I was mostly just saying. Say on stuff.
Scott (00:36:38) - I do like better.
Ben (00:36:40) - About myself.
Scott (00:36:41) - Ingenuity of it. Of podcasting.
Ben (00:36:47) - Process of discovery.
Scott (00:36:55) - Well, it's like I have this recording device in front of me. It's nice to record something using. And. And to be practicing doing that, you know? Yeah. In some other medium. Perhaps there's thunder outside.
Ben (00:37:21) - Are confused or anything.
Scott (00:37:24) - Thunder in March.
Ben (00:37:27) - Is that not normal for the Northwoods of Wisconsin? Feel like there's thunder all the time?
Scott (00:37:32) - No.
Ben (00:37:34) - Okay, well, there it goes. Just goes to show.
Scott (00:37:38) - That not.
Ben (00:37:38) - Even midwesterner over here.
Ben (00:37:44) - We had some thunder recently too, which isn't that normal, although I feel like we usually get at least a little bit throughout the winter. On the west coast.
Scott (00:37:54) - I never remember a march thunderstorm to say less. It's like very early March. Early? Wow, that sounded funny.
Ben (00:38:10) - How? It's. Should be voice actors. Go places. Beyond Cabana.
Scott (00:38:23) - Did you hear that? Does it filter out drumming?
Ben (00:38:27) - Yeah. It does. Thought we'd be. Haven't we been over this? About the audio?
Scott (00:38:33) - Yeah. No, I.
Ben (00:38:33) - Just need to check the audio settings.
Scott (00:38:36) - Oh, I was going to do that. Thank you for the reminder next time.
Ben (00:38:42) - Yeah, for all those folks at home. My dad was trying to break our ears by drumming on a snare drum right in front.
Scott (00:38:51) - Of just the.
Ben (00:38:52) - Table. Luckily, zoom save the day. This episode brought to you by the Meat Brothers and zoom. Saving your ears.
Scott (00:39:01) - Now, zoom was two weeks a month ago. We already did that.
Ben (00:39:07) - Well.
Scott (00:39:08) - And no, there's no money yet, so.
Ben (00:39:12) - we just gotta keep saying it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. We got a less than a minute here. Anything we need to say to the people?
Scott (00:39:24) - Thanks for all the emails.
Ben (00:39:27) - Yeah. We're getting. Yeah. People are sending in their questions, and. But what's the what.
Scott (00:39:32) - Email address should they send it to? We don't know.
Ben (00:39:36) - Send it to. CEO at zoom. Com at ceo@zoom.com. He's,
Scott (00:39:51) - Sure.
Ben (00:39:54) - Okay. All right. Enjoy the rest of your snowless winter out there in the North Pole.