TAGQ (That's A Good Question)
TAGQ (That's A Good Question)
Oranges to Ice Storms
Ben and Scott talk to Scott's cousin Tom during a California visit (for Tom and Ben).
From chat.openai.com:
In this podcast, Ben and Scott engage in a lively and wide-ranging conversation touching on various aspects of family life, societal influences, and personal anecdotes. They discuss the changing landscape of cooking habits over the years, from homemade meals to reliance on packaged foods, reflecting on the role of corporate propaganda and government collaborations in shaping consumer behavior. They reminisce about childhood experiences, such as discovering the true nature of spinach and the shock of finding hidden alcoholic beverages. Throughout the discussion, there's a blend of humor and introspection as they explore topics ranging from historical shifts in agricultural practices to the influence of popular culture.
Ben 00:00:00
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump.You you know, that, wow.
Scott 00:00:17
We've gone over this. The guitar plane did not get recorded.
Ben 00:00:23
Oh, that's right. Log down. Hate music. Computers hate music. Welcome. AI. It's music. Really? The world we live in.
Scott 00:00:39
Really? AI has emotions. Hate. Hate. What is hate?
Ben 00:00:51
Welcome to the podcast, everyone. Hey there, listener. You're tuned into a very special episode here. I don't know if you can tell, but, my voice is a little different.And I don't mean because it's stuffy. I mean, because my dad and I here are sitting in the same room.We're coming at you from the same location, same latitude, same longitude, roughly.
Scott 00:01:23
You're a few feet to the other side there.
Ben 00:01:25
Yeah. Yeah.You'd have to go quite quite a few high precisionYeah.It'd be some high precision latitudes longitude. If you're calling in an air strike, I'm not sure it wouldn't matter.
Ben 00:01:42
I'm, here for spring
Scott 00:01:43
break. Really?
Ben 00:01:47
My, self administered spring break. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.And,
Scott 00:01:56
we had this podcast to do.
Ben 00:01:58
We had this podcast. That's the other thing. It's a cop. Yeah. So today's Wednesday.And if you're an especially astute listener and you're familiar with all the war, of it's a tag queue with Bennett Scott Johnston.You'll know that we usually record on Sunday afternoons.
Scott 00:02:21
Yep. I'm I'm falling behind, not on the recording, on the putting out the shows.
Ben 00:02:29
Oh, you are?
Scott 00:02:30
Yeah. You gonna fire me?
Ben 00:02:34
Oh, well, this is a distributed leadership model, so we'd have to go through a whole process to, get you fired.
Scott 00:02:44
Ben 00:02:45
So the question is not
Scott 00:02:46
I don't want to agree.
Ben 00:02:48
Yeah. The question is not, am I going to fire you, but am I going to initiate the process? Of possible termination.And then we would have to take the next steps to determine if that is the right step forward. So, am I going to initiate that process? No.Idon't know.
Ben 00:03:13
You can't really fire someone that
Scott 00:03:17
you're not paying. Okay. Alright. So what's hate?
Ben 00:03:25
That I that wasn't that was just no. Okay. Not a good question. Alright. Not a good question.
Scott 00:03:34
I think it's a mis, guided form of love.It's fear of That's
Ben 00:03:43
just kind of everything, isn't it?
Scott 00:03:45
It's fear of what you love. Being taken away. So that thing you're gonna hate. Yes.
Ben 00:03:52
Yep. You know?
Scott 00:03:54
Okay. Well, that wasn't a good question.
Ben 00:03:58
Good answer.
Scott 00:03:59
Thank you.
Ben 00:04:00
Good answer, though.
Scott 00:04:02
Change the name of it.
Ben 00:04:03
Listeners, this is not a dialogue, though. So we don't care what you think. But I think it was a good answer.You ever
Scott 00:04:15
Ben 00:04:16
Do you ever visit your parents' house when you were when you were younger after going off to college and moving away? Yes.Would you ever go into the refrigerator and think like, wow, I wonder how old this food is.I'm just not every time I visit you, I'm like, man, everything in here looks really good.I would really Is
Scott 00:04:38
this question gonna be about your parents?
Ben 00:04:41
Ultimately. Yeah. I'm just wondering if it's, if it's a thing that other people experience too. Why?Was it visiting your parents and being like, I wonder I wonder how long this almond butter has been in here.How longhas it been open for? I really would love to dig into this. And I just don't know.
Scott 00:05:02
It keeps for, what, 5
Ben 00:05:03
years? I don't know. Don't know. Are you saying no? Or okay. Never mind. I does it keep for 5 years? No. I can almost definitively say that. Okay.The the best buy date on this that expired a year and a half ago.
Scott 00:05:26
Okay. Yeah. Well, it's a good thing you come every once in a while. Otherwise, who knows? Yeah. Your parents could be dead of food poisoning Yeah.
Ben 00:05:34
There's some raspberry jam in the fridge.
Tom 00:05:36
Do you know how old that's?
Ben 00:05:38
Oh, how
Scott 00:05:39
old? Yeah. That's that's for this year.
Ben 00:05:41
It's been open since the beginning of 2024?
Scott 00:05:46
I just know this year. Yeah. Yeah. Couple months. Couple months.
Ben 00:05:51
Got it. Got it. Okay. It's a are eating crackers? Am I eating crackers? No. I or eating crackers. I'm Some of them are stale. Some of them are less.So okay. It's it's not out of the ordinary by any means. It's just funny. Go to someone else's house for a little bit and being like, I'm snackish.What can I what can I find in here to munch on? And it's like, kind of a safari a little bit.Because in your own house, it's like, you're you kind of have a general understanding. Okay. Those rainforest crisps have been in there for a couple of months.
Ben 00:06:39
Those ritz crackers are has just been open for, you know, a couple of days.And
Scott 00:06:45
Yeah. So I guess you're revealing at least my priorities.
Ben 00:06:51
I think I'm revealing that this is largely universal experience, I see.
Scott 00:06:59
Plus, when you're not there, we don't have food for you.
Ben 00:07:05
Yes. So the amount of snacks or food I would buy with the full house, is, different. Your snack jam is pretty strong. Well, pretty good.I have no problem with stale crackers.Might be an unpopular
Scott 00:07:24
Did did you find a good question when you were googling?
Ben 00:07:30
What was, I've already asked this actually. Do you have any favorite dishes that your mom made when you were growing up? Wanted. Gosh. Oh, wonder if I messed up.What was my favorite?
Scott 00:07:45
I liked stepping layer salad, which is
Ben 00:07:51
that the stuff? Don't jello and the layer of mayonnaise? No. No.It is a layer of M and M's, and
Scott 00:07:59
it was, like, spinach and bacon and peas and, parmesan cheese and
Ben 00:08:10
Scott 00:08:10
few more things. But it was wilted wilted spinach.
Ben 00:08:14
Yeah. Right.
Scott 00:08:16
So I like that. I that's the first thing that popped in my Nice. I thought of all the standard dishes, and I'm going like, no. No. No.
Ben 00:08:25
No. Wasn't a fan of liver. No. No. We had liver. And were you into it? Oh, yeah. Liver tastes weird. We're not used to it. Yeah. We had tongue.I've been trying to find out how to get my organ meats into my diet because, oh, boy, they're super foods. Mhmm.So chomp full of minerals, really good source of protein, but they're just hard to stomach.I made some chicken
Scott 00:09:01
innards, pate, and it was really good.
Ben 00:09:06
Patez, that just mean you you you
Scott 00:09:08
I boiled it and pulverized it.
Ben 00:09:11
Put it on a cracker.
Scott 00:09:12
Yeah. Yeah.
Ben 00:09:17
What is this?Just just the
Scott 00:09:20
only thing I did one day. Yeah. Okay. I grabbed it.
Ben 00:09:24
And you haven't had it since.
Scott 00:09:28
I haven't we haven't had a chicken since.
Ben 00:09:31
So Oh, is that is that recent?
Scott 00:09:35
Ben 00:09:35
yeah. I just put a chicken in the refrigerator.So
Scott 00:09:38
Oh, there you go. We can try it again.We can
Ben 00:09:40
try it again. Alright. Okay.
Scott 00:09:44
Well, who's who's our guest today?
Ben 00:09:48
I should be asking.
Scott 00:09:49
We have a guest.
Ben 00:09:50
You the same we have a guest. Yes. This is true. Well, you instantly reason why it's such a special episode. You have instigated it. You're the reason he's here.
Scott 00:10:00
Okay. Yes. My cousin, Tom, cousin, 1 Aw. One cousin on my dad's side of the family.We'll be here shortly as soon as we
Ben 00:10:15
as soon as we figure out how to get more organ weights into our diet. I can't just keep making meatloaf. You know?That's, a housemate of mine made some meatloaf with some chicken hearts. Intermixed with the ground beef, but it's like, I you know, that can't be my only source.I can do that every couple of weeks, but I can't be having meatlo. Times a week. You know?
Scott 00:10:40
Why do you need to eat the desserts? Iron iron. Iron.
Ben 00:10:44
I think everybody in modern western society is iron deficient, and we should either be eating organ meats or hunting our own meat to address this issue.
Scott 00:10:58
I was told not too long ago, maybe a decade that I was iron overly iron sufficient. What? I had too much here.
Ben 00:11:10
I understand. I'm just saying what?
Scott 00:11:13
Because he said don't eat.Don't eat oranges because they got a lot of iron
Ben 00:11:18
in there. Well, it's not because they have a lot of iron. It's because they Pick up your iron absorption. Really? Yeah.I'd buy me a maybe they have iron, but I'm pretty sure they don't. Have that much iron. Vitamin C just increases the bio bioavailability of iron.You eat a
Scott 00:11:40
lot of oranges, by the way, 1 a day.
Ben 00:11:43
Good. Taking your doctor's advice, but you cap it at 1 a day because it's like, oh god. Really bad for my health. They more fresh, fresh pick oranges.We're looking at oranges right now. Right outside our window.
Scott 00:12:01
Oh, gosh. Scale. Well, yeah, one one at that price, I know. Don't get done with the first orange. I don't get done with the first orange and go, boy.I wish I had another.
Ben 00:12:15
I wish I could say that about the food I ate, nearly everything I eat. And once I finished it, I'm like, I could really use another one of those.Sometimes I do it. What?That's but, no, that's that's why
Tom 00:12:34
I think we just need
Ben 00:12:35
to be in Oregon means. But, apparently, you don't. So, I heard that. Anomalous. I heard my head. An anomalous.I got a
Scott 00:12:45
few mesh here. F e in my blood.
Ben 00:12:49
Ferris. Ferris Mann. Yeah. Ferris Scott.
Scott 00:13:09
So what's the story behind that, Italian sausage sign up there?
Ben 00:13:15
The Italian sausage sign that's just right above the sign that says eat your way healthy.So if you read it in a certain way, it looks like the bulletin board in my room says Italian sausage, Eat your way healthy.It's really, there are 2 separate signs, but it is kinda funny how they're placed.The story behind that Italian sausage sign is that in Minneapolis, there's a they were in Saint Paul.
Ben 00:13:47
There was a thrift store slash habitat for humanity stores
Scott 00:13:53
slash Just quirky Xman. Act it's called man's surplus.
Ben 00:14:00
It's called the Xman's slash surplus store. Called Xpan Surplus store, and it was a Stink Paul Staple since when.Had they been around for as long as you've been alive? Long as I knew about it. Long as you knew about it? Yeah. Walk into that store.Well, it's exactly what I just described. They have all different sorts of knickknacks.
Scott 00:14:21
I think it might not be there, but should we have them sponsor the show?
Ben 00:14:25
It's a great idea. Okay.
Scott 00:14:28
I they might, I I'll have to study it.We should know about who you're sponsoring before you do it, but the place on University Avenue, I think, is shut down.
Ben 00:14:39
Like I said, we're small potatoes.
Scott 00:14:41
Yeah.But you could walk in there and get every kind of electrical,
Ben 00:14:49
device clip, piece of plastic.It's
Scott 00:14:53
just lot of, aisle after aisle of just clearance stuff or, you know, here's a box of hose clamps. Yeah. Or here's some rusty hose clamps at that. Yeah.And the Italian sausage was someone had a collection of they printed out 100 of this sign. For the state fair or something? Yeah. And then and that's okay.
Ben 00:15:18
We have
Scott 00:15:18
On surplus. We have surplus.
Ben 00:15:21
Give it to ax, man. He'll take it.
Scott 00:15:23
Ben 00:15:23
And when we were, yeah, when you were checking out with this sign, just because I saw a sign that just said Italian sausage, and I said, that sounds good.Yeah. Let's put that. It's just not what is that considered a non sequitur or I not understand what that means?The non what I think of a non sequitur, I just think of something there's not compute. There's not follow whatsoever. It's completely haphazard and random.But
Scott 00:15:55
X man surplus. University Avenue and Fry Avenue, and you gotta go back about 5 years. Yeah.
Ben 00:16:00
I think.To to go to find it because it's
Scott 00:16:04
closed. Oh, it got. Insacked.
Ben 00:16:09
What's during the All places? The Ramsac.
Scott 00:16:11
During the, George Floyd, experience. And they just didn't reopen?
Ben 00:16:16
Well, yeah, it's interesting.If you're a place ofof surplus stuff and
Scott 00:16:24
what do you do with that stuff if you want to get rid of it?
Ben 00:16:26
You know, if it gets trashed, it getstracked. Yeah.
Scott 00:16:33
But then you find anything you want, I think they got another store somewhere else. So look it up.
Ben 00:16:38
I'm gonna go with Google edition sleuthing where this is as far as we'll take you. Good luck out there. Alright.The show brought to you by, well, I'll back up and say, we'll be right back
Scott 00:16:52
after these messages.
Ben 00:16:54
Good. Good.Acts surplus
Scott 00:16:57
if we had a if we had an editor, we could, like, put everything in order. If we had If we had an editor.
Ben 00:17:19
I don't know. Oh, Alright. Alright.The time for our guest,
Scott 00:17:25
special guest.
Ben 00:17:26
Here we already done an introduction for. Yeah. You'll soon learn a lot more about him.Bum bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, Actually, there's probably
Scott 00:17:43
The singing can be picked up.
Ben 00:17:46
No. I was not checking that. No. Was just singing, which we'll probably have to cut that out because they're probably copyright issues with whoever owns Rianna's Masters.
Scott 00:17:58
Right. Well, welcome welcome to my cousin, Tom.
Ben 00:18:03
Welcome to my cousin, Tom.
Tom 00:18:05
Yeah. Well, it's a pleasure to be here.
Scott 00:18:08
Thank you. I'm I'm glad you came to visit too.Indeed
Tom 00:18:12
too. Yeah. It's been fun.
Scott 00:18:15
Yeah.The excuse was to see my show
Tom 00:18:20
last night. Yeah. And, and it was unique to say the least.So, Nick, I
Scott 00:18:29
I pray a high praise.
Ben 00:18:33
To And I know I might even add enjoyable.Let's
Tom 00:18:36
start with your niece.
Ben 00:18:38
Two words to describe this show. Unique. Enjoy it.Yeah.Yeah. Exactly. Good.
Scott 00:18:45
Yep.8 years,
Ben 00:18:47
did you say? I think better than California.
Tom 00:18:49
Well, since I've been in San Francisco, I think. Yeah. Exactly. Okay. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Things have changed a little bit. A few new skyscraper.And I have lots of new buildings and Right. Yeah.
Scott 00:19:07
Last time you were here, we got to go see the, America's cups. We did. Salick. Where?They mysteriously lost every race until, like, the last possible race they could lose and then not win the cup.
Ben 00:19:24
Yeah. And then they won them all. Yeah.Like,
Scott 00:19:28
it's mysterious. Yeah. How that worked?Like, there were
Tom 00:19:33
I remember. The seats, I remember the seats were pretty rough that day. Yeah. They they were and they were moving. Yeah. Yeah. Those boats are Amazing.They it's like they defy the laws of physics. I think they they'll go three times faster than the wind that's pushing them.
Ben 00:19:51
Yeah. Oh my god.
Tom 00:19:53
And how can you do that?You know,
Ben 00:19:54
that seems physically impossible.Like
Scott 00:19:58
Yeah. Those boats are moving sell your soul to society across San Francisco or across the shore of San Francisco faster than anything else. Ever has.
Tom 00:20:09
Oh, the trace. The chase boats couldn't even keep up with them. Yeah. The motorized chase boats couldn't keep up with the sailboats. Literally. Yes.
Scott 00:20:19
It is fun to watch.
Ben 00:20:20
It was amazing. Is that, world championship? Yeah.That they Well, sort of like teams from so America has its own team on that, or is it
Scott 00:20:32
Right. It's it's kinda like F One. It's his billionaire ball.
Ben 00:20:35
Scott 00:20:35
If if you got a lot of money, you Right. Sponsor a boat. Sponsor a boat. Just like Yeah. Yeah.
Ben 00:20:43
It's it's sports.I mean,that's just
Scott 00:20:44
sports. Yeah. Yeah. But not the nation is a it's called America's cup just because of I think the first it was that was the boat's name.The first time they had a race.
Ben 00:21:00
Scott 00:21:00
Ben 00:21:01
first pump was named Ameri.
Tom 00:21:03
I think that might might have been true. Yeah.
Scott 00:21:05
But it was like they would sailed to England and let's have a race between the America.And and then one, so they said, oh, well, and that we're
Ben 00:21:14
Now the America is not great. America is great.
Scott 00:21:17
Of course.
Ben 00:21:18
It belongs to America.
Tom 00:21:19
I don't think they sailed to to Europe, though. I think they transported the boat to Europe probably and then Uh-huh. And entered the race.So
Scott 00:21:28
you were saying that you lived in 10 States
Tom 00:21:33
in America. Yeah. I know America.Well,
Scott 00:21:37
Well, what's your favorite state?
Tom 00:21:39
Whatever what I'm in, probably at the
Ben 00:21:41
time, you know,
Tom 00:21:43
I think I can tell you at the moment, which is my least favorite state level. And that's probably Florida. Oh, boy.And I'm a little disappointed in the direction that Florida has moved. So and I'm glad. I don't live there anymore.
Scott 00:21:58
Yeah. And that was your 3rd to that. 3rd to PE most recent state.
Tom 00:22:03
That's correct. Yeah. You know, it used to be you paradise.And then
Ben 00:22:10
there were a few things that
Tom 00:22:11
got in the way, like the fact that again. In 2022, 700,000 people moved there. Oh, smokes. In 1 year. Yeah. Around 22. Yeah.I can 2022 during or just to the tail end of COVID because, like, hey.That'd be
Scott 00:22:30
a bit easier to eat eat outdoors there. Is that right now?
Tom 00:22:33
Well, and it was. Actually, I it was a good place to be during COVID because every restaurant has an outdoor seating area.So I I never stopped going to restaurants because you could eat alone at a table by yourself where you weren't at risk of catching COVID.So so that that was a good thing. That was a very enjoyable place to be during COVID, but But there's a few other issues.I don't know how deeply these podcasts go into politics. Well, but I'll be cautious about that. What did you like about? What did I like?
Tom 00:23:10
I like the sand and the sun and the beaches and
Ben 00:23:13
Like, being able to eat a Yeah.I have
Tom 00:23:15
to worry about, like, eating at cafes. And I've always been and continued to be for reasons.That are somewhat unknown to me, but I'm a huge fan of Disney World and Disneyland. I love Disney World and Disneyland.I have not in any way of telling that.So it feels
Scott 00:23:35
it feels magical. Doesn't it?
Tom 00:23:36
It's absolutely a magic kingdom. It's Totally magical. Do you remember? Plus if you've never been there, the new Star Wars exhibit in in Florida is extremely low.I mean, you just I mean, there's life size millennium falcon there and so forth, you know, and all kinds of cool cool stuff that it's very impressive.
Scott 00:24:01
I remember that, you know, going to Disneyland and, like, I was ten years old, and it's such a stage production the whole thing. Oh, yeah.But I didn't know it.I was
Ben 00:24:13
Oh, it seemed real.
Scott 00:24:14
Captivated by, oh, that's the place where
Tom 00:24:16
you thought that was the real Donald just well,
Scott 00:24:19
it's just such a happy place. If you could only live in something that that well lit and well designed. Yeah. And clean.And so I remember this one chairlift at Aftonelps that had, like, He'd go up, and it was going up a hill through the woods, and it had backlighting on the chairlift.Okay. At night, at night scared. And that's just so so much like Disneyland. Oh, that's not.
Ben 00:24:45
Why would it just be
Tom 00:24:46
Especially snowing at the time.
Ben 00:24:47
And I'm on a ride. Fly Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I can see that. Yeah. Something about my teenage life. I was Oh, it's that one spot felt like Disneyland.The rest of Minnesota. No.
Tom 00:25:02
No. That's for sure. Well, the The the ride that is amazing is the one that at, at, start the Star Wars exhibit. Yeah.Because you it's it's like a 22 minute ride or something. Really? Yeah. Yeah. It's the longest ride I think they've ever created. It it it happens in 3 stages.1 of which is when you get taken prisoner by stormtroopers, which, I mean, real
Ben 00:25:30
We're we're not sitting. What is the mechanism for?
Tom 00:25:33
Well, you're starting out in a in a rocket ship of some kind. Thing.And then you get off the rocket ship, then you walk through some space station of some sorts kind of thing.And and then all of a sudden, you get attacked and arrested by stormtroopers.
Ben 00:25:51
Tom 00:25:51
And they throw you in jail.
Tom 6 00:25:53
And you don't know if you're gonna get out of jail or not because the stormtroopers are are above you in a balcony looking down on you and making very critical statements about their most recent capture of prisoners and so forth.
Tom 00:26:07
And and so your life is in indeed in danger there.
Scott 00:26:10
Does it make it personal?
Tom 00:26:12
Not not individually personal, but
Ben 00:26:16
yeah. Yellowhead. You know? No. They don't do that.
Tom 00:26:19
Do that. So but just by good fortune, we were able to break out of the prison and, and escape.
Ben 00:26:25
But most people don't. No.I think most
Tom 00:26:28
people are still there, but we managed to get out. So it's great. If you've never done it, you need to. It's a good ride.It's a good ride for,
Scott 00:26:38
have you have you been to California Adventure?
Ben 00:26:40
No. That's got a lot in it.It's
Scott 00:26:43
you could really call it Pixar land. Oh, I mean, Disney owns Yeah. Pixar, but They wrote. So all the new rides are something like this is Bugs Life.This is,
Ben 00:26:54
Jeff, say the new rides or this is Bugs Life?
Scott 00:27:00
I'm new in my life.
Ben 00:27:01
I'm new I'm new in my life. Is they still have the bug's life exhibit? Not sure. That's it. That was that wasn't in Disneyland proper.That was in California Adventure. Really? Wow. Those two places are pretty much the same.So we I'll
Tom 00:27:18
be more than I have not been there. Yeah. Yeah. The first time I went to Disney World in Florida, was the very 1st year it opened.
Scott 00:27:27
Tom 00:27:27
Yeah. In fact, I was there, like, a month after the grand opening. Oh. And yeah. It was just brand new and EPCOT was already there? No.EPCOT was not there.I did open first with just just a clone
Scott 00:27:43
of Disneyland. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mhmm. Mhmm. I've caught It had. So it had the did it have the space mountain already then? Probably. No.
Tom 00:27:57
Florida doesn't have space mountain. Only California has space mountain. Really?
Scott 00:28:01
They don't have they have a matterhorn?
Tom 00:28:02
No. There's no matterhorn in Florida either. Okay. You know, it's against a lot to have any l anything higher than 300 feet tall in Florida.You know, I mean, that's the 3. That's that's it. I've seen 3.
Scott 00:28:16
I've seen taller buildings.
Tom 00:28:17
No. No. No. I'm yeah.
Scott 00:28:18
What I really mean is
Tom 00:28:19
is there is no place in Florida where you can get more than 300 feet above. Yeah. The highest point in Florida is about 300 feet above.
Ben 00:28:28
I see.So you can't build a mountain higher than the actual
Scott 00:28:32
That's what I'm saying.That's why they couldn't have a fake
Ben 00:28:36
because that mountain is a wiz mouth. It's a matter of hardwood. It would have been.Then they had to have more than
Tom 00:28:41
the state of Florida. You know?I wouldn't
Ben 00:28:43
put a path. Wanted to do that.
Scott 00:28:44
Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. But it's fun. When did you first go to Disneyland?
Tom 00:28:51
Oh, I don't know. Pretty young. Pretty young.Don't know what age that would have been, but I believe in my lifetime,
Ben 00:29:00
did you make it out there? When you were a kid? Yeah. Everyone. That's right. You were or you were that's right. To Florida? No. I'm not in Florida. Anaheim.
Tom 00:29:09
So, yeah, have you you've never been to Disney World in Florida? I've been there.
Ben 00:29:12
Yeah. Okay.
Scott 00:29:12
We did it on a spring break.
Ben 00:29:14
Okay. Car trip.
Tom 00:29:17
Yeah. I think my lifetime trips to, Disney World And Disneyland. It's probably about 17, I think.
Scott 00:29:27
I think I think I have
Tom 00:29:29
been to Disney World Or Disneyland 17 might be eight teen times in my life.
Ben 00:29:33
You should get a badgers.
Tom 00:29:35
I think so.There should be some elite club that I should be
Ben 00:29:39
Oh, they So they've got those.
Scott 00:29:41
Yeah. You remember e tickets then? I do remember e tickets. Yeah.All the rides you really wanted to go on were classified as a the highest level of and they cost more.They take it to the
Tom 00:29:54
it was priced per ride.
Ben 00:29:55
Yeah.Do they just not do that anymore, or do they still
Scott 00:29:59
do that for your system?Now you just
Ben 00:30:01
Now you just pay them
Tom 00:30:02
a $135, and you can do anything you want that day.And you
Scott 00:30:06
can pay them more money if
Tom 00:30:07
you wanna cut in line. That's true too. Right.
Ben 00:30:10
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, you know, I'm I love Disneyland. Cool.
Tom 00:30:16
It's very cool.
Scott 00:30:18
Yeah. Did your we could have Disney. You know, We could respond to the sponsor. That's No. Thank you. Yeah.
Ben 00:30:26
No. You're against that?I'll have to we'd have to initiate the fire in process of
Scott 00:30:31
Oh, the sponsor. Remove it from the sponsor's list.
Tom 00:30:34
Yeah. Have you selected a sponsor for today? Yeah. Yeah. Because I have a suggestion.
Scott 00:30:39
Well, okay. That's useful in the future. Or maybe now, what's your suggestion?
Ben 00:30:43
My suggestion would be Benjamin Moore Paints. Benjamin Moore Paints.
Scott 00:30:47
Yeah. Okay.
Ben 00:30:49
Watch you by getting more page.Maybe that's the paint company you're using that
Tom 00:30:54
what it
Ben 00:30:54
did.So, paved over the ugly paint in your house and you
Tom 00:30:58
That that would be true. That would absolutely be true.
Ben 00:31:02
It's been more paints keeping us sane.
Tom 00:31:04
Yeah. Well, that's right. More than that. But keeping the profits rolling too. I have I have a new theory about Benjamin Moore.
Scott 00:31:11
Oh, you've been sponsoring them. I totally heavily.
Ben 00:31:16
Heavily subsidizing Benjamin. Were you painting your pitch black bathroom? It's white now. It's white. It went from black.
Scott 00:31:24
I guess there's no problem painting over black because black has no color.
Tom 00:31:30
Yeah. But it was actually easier than I thought it would be because I didn't know if white paint would cover black paint or not, but it does pretty easily.
Scott 00:31:39
Yeah. It's a podcast once where they went through all the saying that black is white. It's just white. A very very, very low intensity, but it's still white.What's the deal there? Perfect was white.
Tom 00:31:55
That's a good theory.Well, my theory about Benjamin Moore paints or a paint in general is that they make more money selling their little samples than they do selling out gallons of paint.And at least at least that would be true for me because I never get it right the first time.
Scott 00:32:13
No. I see.
Ben 00:32:14
Not many.
Tom 00:32:15
So I go down and I buy a little sample, which costs ten bucks. You know? And then I try to get see. And it's ugly.And so I go back and buy another sample for 10 bucks. And Almost there. Yeah.I know it's
Scott 00:32:28
it's the league of interior designers. Who are, like, encouraging people to really think about what the color should be. Well, the problem is making Benjamin more money.
Tom 00:32:37
The problem is there's only, like, 1700 colors to choose from. Yeah. You know?And so
Ben 00:32:44
Tom 00:32:45
You you know, you give an American too many choices, and they're gonna mess it up.
Scott 00:32:49
It's it's did you know you that you can experiment with the pigment, density?
Tom 00:32:55
Yeah. You can probably do that too.
Scott 00:32:57
Like, outside in this house, we were trying to find the color. We just couldn't find it.And and and then he said, well, you kinda want dijon, but we're gonna turn it up to a 150%. Oh. So it's much richer. Tensor. More rich in color.Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, oh, yeah.
Tom 00:33:15
Yeah. Well, mustard is not one of my favorite colors.
Ben 00:33:20
What do what do they call that?It's it's like it's it's almost like it's the equivalent of a it's
Tom 00:33:26
it's not luxe.
Ben 00:33:28
I guess it's just No.They need something
Scott 00:33:30
they put in. Yeah. They just Yeah.
Tom 00:33:32
Ben 00:33:32
All they change about
Scott 00:33:33
it is just they put in 50% more into that gallon. Yeah. Right.And then it's more of that
Ben 00:33:40
you end up with just super, super bright.
Scott 00:33:43
Yeah. Yeah.
Tom 00:33:44
And they can go the other direction too. They can go, you know, tone it down if they want to also. Yeah.Which, again, then instead
Scott 00:33:51
of 1700 choices, and there's a 34100 choices. You know?So so This might be a good time to revisit the fact that couple podcasts ago, when we I was in Winter woods in Wisconsin, which there wasn't much winter, but there was that
Ben 00:34:12
day. Uh-huh.
Scott 00:34:13
And you said, you know, living in Seattle living in Washington. So, like, oh, there's ice on the road. There's ice on the road.
Ben 00:34:22
Yeah.There's ice on the
Scott 00:34:23
And me sitting in Wisconsin, I could not conceive of the fact that he was talking about. Washington? Yeah. It's like, oh, you're you're sure the others.
Tom 00:34:33
I'm just
Ben 00:34:34
on the road, Ben.I don't know why you mentioned
Scott 00:34:36
that, and the podcast just went on.
Ben 00:34:38
Okay. And then it dawned on you.
Scott 00:34:40
Well, it didn't dawn on me. I talked to you.
Ben 00:34:45
And Tom, don't you?
Tom 00:34:46
Yeah. It's.
Scott 00:34:47
I'm done.
Tom 00:34:48
That's right.
Ben 00:34:49
I'm done.
Scott 00:34:49
Instead of done. Oh, yeah. I'm impressed.
Tom 00:34:56
Well, I was suffering through a nice storm. Absolutely.
Scott 00:34:59
Yeah. Oregon.
Ben 00:35:01
Yeah. Yeah. The worst.
Tom 00:35:02
The worst they've
Scott 00:35:03
seen in years.
Ben 00:35:04
Uh-huh. Yeah.Worse I've ever heard
Tom 00:35:07
of it, Should 3 inches of ice, 3 inches on everything. Yeah. It's good destroyed freezing outside. Yeah. And trapped us in their homes for 5 days.You couldn't know when drove a car. Very few people unless you had ice skates or something. We're able to walk anywhere.We were just trapped in our homes for how
Scott 00:35:29
how many people in Eugene have ice It's not much.
Ben 00:35:32
It'll be close to none. Yeah. I don't even know what an ice skate is.
Scott 00:35:38
But the worst part you said was the, like, the last night when it started to thaw.
Tom 00:35:44
It it was. It truly was because I have huge Old growth trees in my yard, like, hundred and thirty foot tall.You know, lines and, it, or Douglas Fir, actually, to be technical about it.
Scott 00:36:03
We can we can be technical. Yeah. Okay.
Ben 00:36:06
Just text is technically not a truth. We're either.Well, that
Tom 00:36:09
could be. We're we're okay. Yeah. We're we're speaking today. When they feel a scream, expert here. So anyway, yeah, the problem was when it started to to melt.And that limbs become on balance to them. And so you start snapping off even more branches at that point.And the huge ice chunks start dropping on the roof of my house.So
Ben 00:36:35
What are these
Tom 00:36:36
cars? For about 8 hours of nonstop fellow people's cars to, you know, in different places.
Scott 00:36:43
After yours after 5 days, I was just up starving in the dark, basically. It was kind of like a severe meditation retreat. There you go.You could look at it that way.
Ben 00:36:55
Yeah. I wish I had been able to look that one. I didn't deal with it.
Tom 00:37:03
Yeah. I hope that never happens again.
Ben 00:37:06
Yeah. But And that was in January when you guys had an ice storm too. We had an ice storm. It wasn't nearly bad. Yeah.I could still there were I there was, I think, one day where I didn't go anywhere, and most people didn't go anywhere.But if and then there were there were probably 3 or 4 days where most, I shouldn't say most, but a lot of people were like, oh, I'm not gonna go on the roads, but it if you just scroll slow enough, it would have been fine.On Eugene, you just cut in Eugene. It was We couldn't do it. Yeah. Different. Different. Different. Sorry.
Tom 00:37:44
But we survived and eventually melted.
Ben 00:37:49
Mhmm. Here we are.
Scott 00:37:50
In April. April with the orange tree blossoming. Can you smell it?
Ben 00:38:01
Joseph. Yeah.
Tom 00:38:02
Just before coming to this interview, I actually picked an orange off from the tree and ate it.Which I think is probably the first time I've ever actually done that where I picked an orange and immediately ate it. Never did that in Florida. No.
Scott 00:38:19
I never did it. K.
Tom 00:38:22
Yeah. You know, Florida Orange is a is a weird thing.
Ben 00:38:26
Yeah. Yeah.
Tom 00:38:26
You can hardly buy If you want a fresh orange just to eat an orange in Florida, the grocery stores don't sell them because Tropicana and other orange juice companies can totally control the production of oranges.And I don't know what percentage, but it literally would be in excess of 90% of all of the Florida oranges. Get made into orange juice.And You can't find it everywhere. And get shipped everywhere in the country or the world kind of thing. And you really have a hard time.The the larger grocery stores chains do not sell Florida oranges in Florida.
Scott 00:39:06
Okay. They do have oranges from California or something. Yeah.
Tom 00:39:10
They come from California. Yeah. Or even worse than that, In the wintertime, when it's not orange season in in California, you know, where they come from? Chili. South Africa.They fly oranges to Florida from South Africa. Can you imagine what a waste of energy and cost is involved? I mean, oranges are heavy.You know, you you, you know, you ship a crate of oranges that I don't know what they weigh, but that's not light.You put that on an airplane and you fly it from Johannesburg to Chicago or whatever. It's insane.
Ben 00:39:52
Sounds like industrial agriculture to me
Scott 00:39:55
That's the orange Cartel
Tom 00:39:57
in Florida. I think so.
Ben 00:39:59
Everything we I think I think every food item on average travels 1500 miles?
Tom 00:40:04
I doubt you've heard that. Yeah. Yeah.
Scott 00:40:06
So if you had to consume at the same time the amount of petroleum that have been put into that.It'd be about court court
Ben 00:40:16
of petroleum city court of the oil Yeah.
Tom 00:40:19
Per orange.
Scott 00:40:20
Yeah. Yeah.
Tom 00:40:20
Yeah. I think they would. Yeah.
Ben 00:40:22
A lot more bang for your buck. Just drinking that oil. Right.Robin, why
Tom 00:40:28
don't you tell me?
Ben 00:40:29
Gallery for I believe it. I believe it. Okay. Body wouldn't really know how to do it.But
Tom 00:40:36
I, yeah, I think there's
Scott 00:40:37
some reason why we don't do that. You know, when that when that bubbling crude came out of the, the ground. Yeah.
Ben 00:40:46
We're not we're not like the character from cars.
Tom 00:40:48
But there's probably, you know, flavor additives that that America knows how to put into the things that where the oil probably tastes pretty good.
Scott 00:40:56
Mhmm.Coke up or, you know, Coke
Tom 00:41:01
up. Just blend coconut oil and and petroleum oil.
Scott 00:41:05
Oh, coconut oil. It's already in there.
Tom 00:41:06
Yeah. That would work. Okay. Then then you could probably. Yeah.
Ben 00:41:12
Maybe this is how that, that movie cars have you ever wondered how those cars became sentient in the first place?It's like if humans if humans were the ones to make cars, then where are all the humans? Maybe we all just started drinking.
Tom 00:41:28
Boy, it was probably the beginning of AI. What it was. Yeah. I see my guess.
Ben 00:41:33
Cars is just to look into our future.
Scott 00:41:35
But how do cars home?They didn't detail that in
Ben 00:41:39
the movie about how they make baby cars. No. They don't know. I didn't do that. I don't know.
Scott 00:41:45
It was a kid. They couldn't go into that. Way.
Ben 00:41:47
Fun movie to watch when you're asking.
Tom 00:41:49
When they become sentient, though, you know, it it starts to get interesting.
Ben 00:41:55
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Tom 00:41:58
And then at that point, it becomes a cartoon. So yeah. R too. Definitely.
Ben 00:42:08
They're gonna be handing outprizes afterthispodcast.
Tom 00:42:15
We think so. You know, the funny thing about this podcast is it's all true. You know? Making any of it.So
Scott 00:42:25
We have a rule against
Ben 00:42:28
fabrications. Yeah. Sure. I would tell him, or did I just fabricate that?
Tom 00:42:40
Do now.Did your did
Ben 00:42:43
your mom do any cooking growing up?
Tom 00:42:47
She had a in lifestyle that she created that, prohibited that sort of behavior. So I see.
Scott 00:42:53
Really? Yeah.
Ben 00:42:54
Scott 00:42:54
right. Stepped on Thanksgiving, so I would Oh, she hated Thanksgiving.
Ben 00:43:01
She literally she got to
Tom 00:43:03
the point to at the end of her career where she literally stopped cooking. Wow. Yeah.And so we literally went out for supper every night in the restaurant every single night of the week. Kind of.And she had her favorites, but, you know, in the town I grew up in, there were 3 restaurants to choose from, you know, so we kind of would make the rounds of all 3 each week and then start over again, basically.But, no, my my mother quit cooking. She really did. I wanted to cook food. It would have to be me enough. Uh-uh. Not my mother. Didn't you cook? Yeah.
Tom 00:43:44
Sometimes. Yeah. Simple stuff before you turn a team. Yeah. It's so fun. Well, around that age. I probably struggled.
Ben 00:43:53
Yeah. Yeah. Got it.
Tom 00:43:55
Yeah. So the short answer is no. No. My mother Audrey stopped cooking completely.
Ben 00:44:01
Were you okay with that?Yeah, I
Tom 00:44:03
didn't have a choice.
Ben 00:44:04
So I
Tom 00:44:05
was gonna eat. So didn't have a choice. No.
Ben 00:44:09
That's good. Yeah. Mhmm. Become a regular one of the local restaurants.
Tom 00:44:14
She could go out and have her cocktail. You need to cocktail that way too.
Ben 00:44:18
Yes. Yeah.
Scott 00:44:19
Yeah. I didn't know much about this at all. Yeah. Be sure. She drank Manhattan. I I did find that out once when she babysitted and brought a canned 1.
Tom 00:44:32
Oh, a canned Manhattan.
Ben 00:44:33
Yeah. Right.
Scott 00:44:34
And it's like, And to me, I was just a shock.
Tom 00:44:37
Yes. They come in cans.So because
Scott 00:44:40
my parents acted like no one ever drank even though they had a liquor cabinet, that was that was up over the range.That they never touched for the next
Tom 00:44:54
well, it wasn't until 5 decades, but it wasn't until though we really started going to the cabin, basically, that that that your parents ever offered alcoholic beverages to anyone that I can remember.I don't ever don't ever remember anyone drinking alcohol at your home and Chip Paul?Well,
Scott 00:45:19
and then when my parents made wine, they hid it, from not from the kids.
Tom 00:45:27
And you found it about a year ago.
Scott 00:45:29
So no. I mean, they hid it from our grandparents. Oh, yes.
Ben 00:45:35
Well, my
Tom 00:45:35
mother did that too.
Scott 00:45:40
Oh, it was hidden hidden drinking.
Tom 00:45:41
That is why hidden hidden smoking.
Scott 00:45:43
Oh, yeah. Right.
Tom 00:45:44
Yeah. Does she tend to con convinced herself that her parents would never smell the smell or clothing or so forth.
Scott 00:45:54
Yeah. I've I've finished off about four gallons of that wine from 1969.
Tom 00:45:58
You did actually drink it?
Ben 00:46:00
Oh, yeah. I'm still still am.
Scott 00:46:01
And literally, we've gotten lots of money. Kidding. Yeah. It's good. It's like a it's like a Sherry. It's like a really aged.
Tom 00:46:11
I guess, alcohol can't spoil, but yeah. That's amazing.
Scott 00:46:16
It looks at me.I I was sure
Ben 00:46:18
you were gonna die the first time you had a glass of dust down. Uh-uh. We were all there. Yeah. But you didn't where where is that?
Scott 00:46:28
You said They're all in the basement
Ben 00:46:31
at the cabin. Yeah. They're still chipping away. Okay.
Tom 00:46:36
So you don't have any here.I finished off
Scott 00:46:39
the ones I brought here.
Tom 00:46:40
Oh, okay. Well, now that you've been the guinea pig for x number of years, now you know, I might have nerve enough to try as simple as that.
Scott 00:46:48
We'll we'll we'll have we'll have to have some
Ben 00:46:50
Scott 00:46:51
This summer. This summer. Sounds good.
Ben 00:46:54
Only it was aged in, like, a real oak barrel or something. It would be some pretty Yeah. You're pretty fine. Yeah. Fine stuff. Yep.So no favorite dishes that your mom made then. I guess she did cook for a while, though.
Tom 00:47:11
Well, she cooked for a while.
Ben 00:47:13
Is there one she never really
Tom 00:47:14
We ate a lot of spaghetti. And she and she didn't even flavor it herself. She would buy packets of spaghetti flavoring sauce kind of thing.Dump that into a, like, pan of ground hamburger.
Ben 00:47:33
Yep. And we've had spaghetti.
Scott 00:47:38
Everyone tried to change their cooking in the fifties sixties to be, you know, stopped doing that. Cooking from raw materials. Right. No. You had to buy.America convinced you that you needed to buy packages of Right. Yes.
Tom 00:47:53
Couldn't just throw some spices in yourself. You had to buy a bit of spaghetti sauce.
Scott 00:47:59
They did a lot of things like convincing people. They shouldn't breastfeed. Yeah. It's true to why so that Nestle could sell their formula. Exactly. No.They convinced them to smoke cigarettes. What else they do?
Tom 00:48:14
It does. Probably the worst.
Scott 00:48:16
White bread. White bread, I think.
Ben 00:48:18
White bread. Yeah.It's
Scott 00:48:18
the soil.
Tom 00:48:19
There's a bit of The greatest crime was smoking. Yeah. To lie to the American public. The hazards of smoking because they knew darn well.But the
Ben 00:48:29
hazards convince us that? Growing your own food. Was it a good thing too?So
Tom 00:48:35
Yeah. I think that's true.
Ben 00:48:37
Comes from the ground. It's dirty. Yeah.Whereas if we put it in a can and heat it to 4 100 degrees,
Tom 00:48:44
right, and take all the flavor out of it. You know, I never I never ate.I never even knew what fresh spinach looked like until I was an adult, and Brian started buying it myself.You know,
Scott 00:48:58
I didn't have fresh broccoli until I was an adult.
Tom 00:49:00
Yeah. Really? You know, I thought spinach was that weird stringy stuff in a can kind of thing. You know, that that tasted like I did too.Popeye had regurgitated that there's something.So
Scott 00:49:17
That was corporate propaganda making it seem like if you eat this canned spinach, you're
Tom 00:49:22
gonna be strong. That's right. And he was. I love popeye cartoons.
Scott 00:49:29
I thought they were great, but
Tom 00:49:31
Yeah. And I actually liked the taste of the spinach, but I had no idea what it was.I was pretty shocked when I realized it's actually a a leafy
Ben 00:49:41
Just a little leaf. Oh, leafy green product. It looks like any other plant?
Tom 00:49:45
Yeah. It looks like any other plant. I didn't know that. I thought it came as stringy sort of something or other than how?
Scott 00:49:51
I like it's oversalted. A more subtle form of corporate propaganda. Or government corporate collaboration? Is it you know how Wisconsin's the dairy state? Yeah. But historically, it wasn't.It there was as much winter wheat grown in Wisconsin as there was in, like, Kansas, you know, historically. Sure.
Ben 00:50:16
Because it was a
Scott 00:50:17
good place for winter wheat. Yeah.And
Tom 00:50:21
there's way more dairy farms in California than there are in Wisconsin. Yeah.
Scott 00:50:26
I got confirmation from, my uncle who worked in, he was at Agricultural Reserve person or whatever they call it. Extension. Extension. Yeah.That, yeah, it was promoting Wisconsin as a dairy state was you know, something the the legislature and the manufacturers of equipment in Milwaukee. Oh, absolutely.It was all just this increase the sales of, you know, farmers. Yeah.
Tom 00:50:58
Yeah. It's true.
Scott 00:51:00
It wasn't because the farmers needed it.I'm just gonna convince the farmers that
Tom 00:51:08
it is. Yeah. It's Now Wisconsin may actually have been the leading cheese producer for a while. I I I suspect it was.
Scott 00:51:18
Yeah.I'm I'm sure that more cheese
Tom 00:51:20
more cheese came from Wisconsin. Now. Than any other state, and I don't know that it still holds that title, but and more beer too.
Ben 00:51:27
Well, they drink more beer
Tom 00:51:29
than anyone else. And Brandy.
Scott 00:51:31
And Brad.
Ben 00:51:31
Wow. So they just drink more.
Scott 00:51:34
Oh, it's they drink more than any other state. Yeah.There's more bars per capita than They probably can't
Tom 00:51:40
And there's more branding consumption than any
Ben 00:51:42
other stuff. Okay. Compared to the commonwealth, though, I'm sure. Yeah. Everybody's shaping for. Which just which comes to all of them.
Tom 00:51:57
Scott 00:51:58
Sorry. Massachusetts is a commonwealth. Yeah.
Ben 00:52:01
Yeah. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong term. The British. Yes.
Scott 00:52:05
Yeah. Okay.
Ben 00:52:07
The the umbrella term for the British. Got it. Yeah. Got it.
Tom 00:52:15
They're still the leading tea drinkers.
Ben 00:52:17
Yeah. I suspect. Yeah.I'll ask you,
Scott 00:52:22
unless you're counting. And we rebelled against the t. We did. Part of. At a big t party.Well,
Ben 00:52:36
I think we're we're at a pretty high minute hereYeah.When it comes to the Zoom. Yes. We we usually let Zoom cut us off.
Tom 00:52:45
Scott 00:52:46
But it it's not today.
Ben 00:52:47
But because we're not actually in a Zoom meeting, we're in a Zoom monologue. So it's just gonna let it go on forever.Zoom likes to encourage people to retreat inwards. And not to communicate outwards. Now we know.
Tom 00:53:01
Really? Okay.
Ben 00:53:02
Yeah. Well, here. It it it is. We're so very confinement.
Tom 00:53:06
Maybe we've succeeded at that.
Scott 00:53:08
So Hello, everyone? We don't we don't use the video, but, yeah, we have it. Here we have it.It's a we could make TikTok, but could post the money to take post show Rogan does. Should we should we publicize this on TikTok, or are we against that?
Ben 00:53:24
I am against that.
Scott 00:53:25
Okay. Why? Because Chinese control it?
Ben 00:53:28
Yeah. The Chinese No. Because the Chinese don't control it. I don't trust anyone else with my information. Okay. They're did they get sold to a different Chinese company? No.
Scott 00:53:43
Well, didn't or, oh, no. They did.
Ben 00:53:45
I don't think they've been sold.They were trying to pull it from their hands as CEO if that had to do a thing on
Scott 00:53:52
the floor. So it's I don't know.
Ben 00:53:57
It was more more American.
Scott 00:53:58
I haven't researched it, but yeah. But it was something the kids are doing.
Ben 00:54:03
It was something that had to go through Congress, though.
Tom 00:54:06
Ben 00:54:06
sure it never did.
Tom 00:54:07
And it didn't pass, I don't think. Right.
Ben 00:54:10
I was
Tom 00:54:10
thinking past that it
Ben 00:54:12
seems like
Scott 00:54:13
But now that we've said these words, you know, the AI is gonna read the podcast, get our words, and they're gonna come for us.
Ben 00:54:22
They're gonna send they'd send you a parse for us.
Tom 00:54:25
Yeah. I believe forces to drink petroleum. Black cars. Yeah. Yeah. Shiny limousines.
Ben 00:54:32
Yeah. Mhmm.
Tom 00:54:34
That's, with secret service, police.And
Ben 00:54:36
Scott 00:54:37
Ben 00:54:38
be the next season. Okay.
Scott 00:54:39
Well okay. Well, we've Good.
Tom 00:54:40
I don't live here. We have to maybe get rid of the state back organs.
Ben 00:54:44
So Yes. Yeah. Dollars came back to the the islands of the Puget Sound.
Scott 00:54:49
And we didn't say where exactly in Oregon. We're saying that you did. I did. Yeah.
Ben 00:54:55
Yeah.You mentioned in what
Tom 00:54:56
you're sitting. You know?
Ben 00:54:59
We're sailing our Utopia Pacific Northwest.
Tom 00:55:01
I think that's true. Will force you. Well, this is good, my pleasure.
Scott 00:55:06
Yeah. Good. Thank you.
Tom 00:55:09
Thank you. Thank you. It's been a pleasure.
Ben 00:55:14
Made it made it extra special. Cool.
Scott 00:55:18
Next time.
Tom 00:55:20
Next time.
Ben 00:55:21
Next time. Salt mysteries.We're gonna find out
Tom 00:55:28
What? Who Benjamin Moore really was?
Ben 00:55:32
Yes. That's what I think I had to figure out.